Unit 8 • Reports
1.1 Character references
Whenw rit inga c harac ter r eference, whet he r as anemployer,asa teacher or as
a friend ,the firstthing tomen tion is how longyouhaveknowntheperson andin
what capac ity. After that , therearea number of areasthat maybe worth
mentioning, depending on the jobor courseyouremployee,studentor frie ndhas
appliedfor. This list suggestssomeof those areas,togetherwith a few adjectives
and phrasesdescribingpositivequalities. In a written reference these qualitieswill
be illustrated with concreteexamplesandfact s.
pnnct nal,herti1Ilckeepitigis good
reliable, dependable,conscientious
resp onsib le
Attitude topeople
a nat uralleader
co mpet it ive
cons id e rate ,Illlde rs(a nd illg
Jriel/{I/y. helpJIII, generolls
tolerant , pa tient, considera te
gets 011 icellicitht hosearou ndher ,
sociable, integ rat esIL'cll
DispositionIPerson alit y
casy-goin g, relaxed , laid-back
se/fcmifidelll , self-lIs slIred
good -humo ured,good-IIallired
selj- reliant, independe nt
posit ice,e nthusiastic, optim istic
q ui et ,introcert etl,
outgoillg,ext r oce rted
articulate,eloque nt,persuasi ve
scc ll -spoken
di screet, d iplo matic , tact/Ill
ti d y,neat,prexentahle
Att it udel owork
meticll lolls , thorough , method ical
diligent,industrious ,assuluons
ambitions, determined
odaplable, flexible
rcilling, keen ,enthus iastic
Th in king
imag itwtir e,creative.hasa capacity
fororiginalideas .innocatice
intelli getlt,b rilliant
t ru thful,s incere
a persc)IJofgreatintegrity
D e ciding andDoing
confident,decisn: e,d y" aUlic
e nergetic,rulcenturous, spontaneous
co mpetent, p ract ical
u:ell-org a lli : e d ,Iee el-headed
114 • Task typ es
Othe rareasthatmay he worth conside ringincludeacademic ahilit)-"
practicalskill s , qualifications, interests.