Inmattersofgraveim portance,st yle, not since rit y, is the vitalthing.
Osca rWilde
A Introduction
At theAdvanced level, you should of course aimto write
grammatically correct English.But is that enough?For
example, it is grammatically correct to write'Give me a
job!', butt hat is not the way to write a successfuljob
application.In fact, the employer is morelikely to forgive
a number of grammar or spellingmistakes than to
employ an applicant whose letterwas too rudeor too
informal.In the CAE exam, writingis assessed with this
in mind: what effect wouldt he piece of writing have on
the person whois going to read it?
The abilityto use the rightstyle,whetheryou arewrit ing
a business letter or a holidaypostcard,is one of the skills
assessed in Paper 2; it is also examined throughout
Paper 3.
But perhapsstyleis nott he best word: you donot
necessarily have to writestylishly. We couldinstead
speak ofregister:the styleappropriateto a particular
kind of writing.
1.0 Story
This murder mysteryin ten short texts is an exercise in
recognizing register.
1 First, identify the origin of each text by writing the
letterA-Jby thedescriptionsof thetexts. (Some of
the descriptionsdo not correspondto anytexts
given.) Whataspects of eachtext helped you to
Tou ristb rochure
Newspaperre vie w of restaurant _ _
Spoken:jobin te rvi e w_ _
ShortnewspaperrepOIt __
Spoken.politeconversa tion_ _
Bac kcoverofa novel
Infor maltelephoneconversati on
Advert isement
Policeofficer's re po rt_ _
Recipe _ _
12 • Writingsub-skills
gunpellets,andpresentedas aGaudiesquetower:shcesof
ofthehouseistheAndalucianrabbitwith wildmushrooms
m 4 Returnth erabbit to thepan. Cove l'with
th e w in e. Se as on.Add the freshthymeand
simmer for 30 -40minuteswithth e lid011.
Addth emushroomsands tir w ell.
'Te ll me, MissLee, doyou have any prev io usexperi-
ence asa waitr e ss?'.
'Welt, I didsilverserviceat the RoyalHotelin Bognor
forfiveyears. That wasbefor e comingto~elcester.But
sinceI'vebeenhe reI'vebee n assistantchefInthe cantee n
atInte rnati onal De fence Systems.'. ')'
'A ndwhy have yoagiven in your aolicea II.D.S..
'Well , to tell youthe truth, it wasso~~picture,sI sawon
the television. And I realized that If 11 wasa tfor the
weapons w e w ere selli ngthe m.
I!l DearMr Ba ll
We were most impressedby your plans, whichwe
recei ved lastweek.
Our repre sentativein Europe,Colonel Lamont,
will be contactingyou uponhis arrivalin London.
Howmuch,did you say? This m ust be a bad line,I
thought you said5,000!...Sounds like an awful lotof
money for atummy ache! Fo reign ers, were they?
Wou ld n 't trust 'em if I were you. Justyoumakesure
y ou get th emoneyu p front, incash .. .He re, youdon't
thinkthey'retrying todo him in, do you?... That'dhe
w orth SO,n ot five.. .Tell yo uwhat,try someonHenry
Hungerfordfirst andsee what happens.
~wonderfulrestaurant, Ste fan. Do you know,Ithinkthi,S
ispossiblythebesthareI've ever e aten.And asfor.theSt
Emilion : Idoubtyo u' d findas g o oda bottleasthisa~;.
wherein Paris.Ho ware yo u getting on w ith the rabb it.