Unit 9 • Articlesandreviews
2.0 Openings
AWhichof thes e eightopeningswouldyouchooseto begin an article entitled
'O pe nin gsandClosingsofMag az ineArticles'?
The 'o pe ni ng'is t he b eginningofa p ieceofwriti ng
(e ithe r th e first se n tenceo r the first paragraph);
th e 'clos in g'is th e wayth e pie ceofwriti nge nds
(t h e lastsentence, o r the lastparagraph ).
EJ Doo-be-doo-be-doo-wa, shawopba mboom! 7
. tterhow amag azi nea r tIcle starts.
Does It ma
Tolighta lire,la kea few big lo gsand a box of
m atche s. St ri ke am a tchandth e logs willeasily
ca tch fire. Later,when the fire is burningwell,
adds o me sma lle rwood,whichHUlstbeverydry.
Finally, fora big blazethatwill lasta ll e ve n ing,
throwa small twistofpaperon topofth e fire.
Isthathowto lig hta flre? Of course n o t. Yet
howfewwriter ss ta rtth e irarticl e swiththe 'twis t
of paper',the inflammableopeni ngthatwould
brlng it tolife!
Two stu den t s of mine used to be grea t riva ls at
ten n is,butrecently Laura has becometoogood for
h er rival. 'Th eo n ly di ff erence is m y service', she
confided in me. ' Helena's service is sopr edictable
thatI can alwaysreturnit. But min e isnowstro n ger
a nd more var ied.Shen everknowswhatto expect .'
Th e serv icein ten nis h as a sim ilar role toth e ope n ing
of a piece of writing - and many write rs could
'improve their game' by develo ping a range of
differento pen ings.
This art icle is about ho wto begin and ho wto end
a pieceofwrit ing.
Ii)The rea r~at l e ast 15 differentways of be ginning
a ma gaz inearticle,and agooddo ze nwaysof
e nd ing: Notallof thema re possible ineverystyle
of w riti nq, butth e ability to chooseint er est ing
a nda p pro p riateo pe n ingsandclosing sis a very
usefulskill for a writer t o ha ve.
If) ~aneand Peters , intheir authoritativeworkWritingProse,
in c lu deafive-~agcessay entitled'Beginnings andClosings'.
Theessaybegins'The Britishessayistl lilaireBelloe_ who
knew,ifanyonedid,howto begin and how to endaneSS3V
- o~cewrotethat"To beginat the beginning is, nex tu»
e n d in gat the end, thewholeart ofwriting...· Kane and Peters
closetheir essaywithan epigramoftheirown:'Anvonecan
stopwriting. Onlywriterscan finish:.
' Ju sttake th e horno u tofyo ur mouth.'This
was Miles Da vis's advice to a fellow la zz
musicianwho did n't seem to knowh ow to
en d his lengthy solos.Butwhenyouwa~tto
en d a piece of writ ing, is itenoughto lus t
putyoUI'pend own'?
The ope ning of amagazin e articlehaso neormorepurposes,indescending
o rderof importa nce.
- to catch readers'atte ntionandmakethem wanttore adthe rest.
- tote ll read ers what the article is going to heabou t(the topic).
- to tell re ade rs what the article is goingto say(th e content).
- tote ll re ade rshow thea rticleis goingtoheo rganized(the structure ).
Which oftheopeningsin Abest achievesthefirstpurpose?(Inotherwords,
which onewouldyoumost wanttore ad ?)
2 Do any of t he openings leave you indoubtaboutthetopic ofthearticle?
3 Which of theo peningsgivesyout he clearestidea ofwhatthewriter is going
tosaya nd howthe article is goingtobeo rganized?
124 • Ta s ktype s