Task 26
You spent last summerworking on a fruit farmin
England. The farmer, John Ambridge,has written to you
askingyou tocome andwork for him againnex t
summer, this time asa 'tea mlea der' .You would liketo
accept the job, butonlyif he makessomeimprovement s
to theconditions.You havealso received aletterfrom
James,an Englishboy you worked w ith last summer
who feels the same way as you do.
Read the job advertisement below,andthe extract(right)
from James' letter. Then, using the informatio n given,
w rite the letter and thenote listed below.
The n spend July a ndAugust
at Archer Farm. Evesham
FREEACCO~I~IODATIONinthe'bunk hou se'<-
onedormitoryforthe boys,andone forth~..
girls_w ithgood washin gandcookingfac ilities.
MINIMUMAGE16. Fruitpickersa reo rga nise d
in 3 team sof6,eachw itha te amle ade r. The
teamleader is responsible forthewelfareof t he
youngermembe rs of the team.
PA'\'isbypiecewor k:youare paid according
tothe amo untof fruit you pick.
SOCIAL LIFE - meet a nd workwithpeo~1e
your0'x- 0 agefrom all over~he\vorl~~l our
teamleaderswillhelpo rga n ize gam e sand
activitieso n rainydays, and there'samini-b us
for excur sions andcinematrips.
Write (a) your reply to the farmer'slette r mentioningthe
pointssuggestedby James(about 200 words).
(b)a noteto James that you incl ude when you
sendhima copyof your letterto the farmer
(abo ut 50 words).
You must laythese outin an appropriateway butit i s
not nec essaryto include addresses.
Task bank
'.. .Ijustgotaletterfrom John Ambridge- I expect
you havet oo. He says hewantsusboth back again
nexts ummer ,..
Thesearethe not esI'vebeen making about the
thingsI wanttomention- Ithinkit'llbe really
The bunkhouse: two cookersnotenoughfor 18
peopletocook on.Weneed4 -&one more big fridge.
One showernotenough-atleast 2 needed
Social: mini-busnot working all last summer -
mustbe repaired. Moregames and activities
needed: discoinbunkhouse? t abletennisforrainy
day s?volleyball?
Young aeoale:toomany aged 14 & 15 last
summer(y~u;emembertheproblemsl)Minimum age
16 tobe enforcedifI'm In chargeofthelittle
Actually, I'd be reallygratefulifyousentmea
coPyofyourletter-tomake sure we're both aSking"
fo rthesamethings, and alsotohelp mewritemme.
Task 27
Is there anEnglis h- speaker that you haveoffendedat
anytimein the past, but you have never apologized to
them?Did you ever do somethingwrong, andit's still on
yourconsciencetod ay?Have you ever (accidentallyor
otherwise) caused problemsfor someone, andyou
wouldlike to apol ogize tothem?
(Withapartner)Explain to yourpartner exactlyw hoyou
wouldlike to apo logizeto, and forw hat.Your partner
mustwritethe letterfor you;you will w ritetheletteryour
partner asks f or.Then read the lett ers togetherand
decid e whether they aregood enoughapologies- and
w hetherto sendthem!
(Workingalone)Write that letterof apology inEnglish. Kill
two birdsw it h one stone! Practise yourwritingat the
same timeas getting somethingoff your chest!
Task 2 8
Youwereon holiday with a friendin the USAthree
w ee ksago whenyour friendhad his walletstolenby a
pic kpocket.The two of you,obstructed by an old man,
chasedafterthe thief,and finally yourfriend caughthim
in a side -street, bringinghimdown by diving and
catching his l egs. Unfortunately,the thiefwascarrying an
openknifein his trou serpock etw hichcut himwhen he