commenton itsstrengths and weaknesses,Writethe
Task 41a
Fora youngpeople'sEnglish-languagemagazine in your
country, writeanarticlegivingadviceon one of the
following subjects:
- Howto make themostof yourtime as a student.
- 'Thebest things inlifeare free' - fiveways of enjoying
life for free,
Task 41b
For a nationalEnglish-languagemagazine targeting t he
18-36age range, writean articlegiving advice on oneof
the followingsubjects:
- Thingsto remember when buying clot hes: tips for
succes sfulshopping, - How to succeedatwork: tipsfor the officeworker
andthe young executive,
Task 42
An English-languagemagazineis runninga series of
articlesin whichfamouspeoplechoose 3 records that
theywould take with themif theywere goingtospend
the rest of their life livingaloneon a desert isl and, Some
w eeks , the articleis w ritten by someone whois not so
famous, This week, it's your turn(if your article is
interesting enoug h), Write the article ( 250 words)
explainingw hich three recordsyouwouldtake, and
- It will prob ab lybe more app ro priate to tell interestingsto ries
aboutyour perso nal reaso ns for c hoosi ng the records than to
writethewholearticleasifyou were a music critic.
Task 43
P S ,MagazineWritingCo m p e tit io n :
Win aFreeHolidayinthe U.S.A.
Imagine th atnext su m m e ryouaregoing.to
spend a monthlouringtheU.S.A: YouWIll~e ,
tra vell ing with a friend.Youd o ntwanttocarry
m uch luggage soyOlld e cid e tha t,a pa rtf: o. m
a nyma ps.d ictionaries.gram ma rs andr~hgl()llS
b ooks .VOltwilltake justthreebooksw ithyou.
\,\'h atb~okswill youtake. andv.:hy?
\'X'ritc a 25 0 -worda rticle forth is maga zine.
ar ticle we publishwillw in a ho lidaytravelhng
Task 44
An Australianmediacompanyis offeringto donate 40
English-languagevideosto your scho ol, for usein or out
of class, and also a scholarship forone studenttostudy
for a monthin the States, In order to decide whatvideo s
to send, the Australian company has i nvitedevery
studentin the school to choosetwovideos that they
think would beinteresting and suitable,and to writean
articleof about 250 wordsexplainingtheirchoice, The
videos should beof any feature film,documentary or 1V
programmethatyou haveseen: preferablytheyshould
havebeen made inEnglish, Thearticles will be read by
the representativeof the Australiancompan y,who will
send 40 oft he videos chosen and awardthe scholarship
to the writerof the best article,The article itself will be
printedin thecompany'smagazine,in Australia,Write
your article,
Task 4 5
You areworkingat an International SummerCampfor
children aged 12-16.Eve rymember of staffhas been
putin chargeof one sport oractivity and asked to write
a short leafletin Englishintroducing the children to the
sport/activity, describingthe equipme nt, rules,
techni quesandsafety procedure s, and givingany
appropriateadviceto beginners,You areluckyenough
to be able to choosea sport/activitythatyou know a lot
about. Writethe leaflet (about 250 words),
Task 4 6
A small travelcompany specializingin holidays for British
people over 65 years oldis planning to expand its
operationtoinc ludeyour country, Youhavebeen asked
to help prepare the holidaybrochure.Sincemany of the
old peoplemay still have animageof yourcountry that
they formed 20or moreyears ago , you are askedto
writea 250-wordarticle for thebrochuredescribingthe
ways your countryhasimproved as a placefor tourists,
- Youw ill probably aim to show,as far aspossible,that your
country hasretained all thepositivequalitiesit usedto have,
lo stany negativequalities ,andcreatedwonderfulnew
o ppo rtu nities and facilitiesfor tourism.
Task 47
You aregoing away on holidayfor threeweeks,You
havea petanimalat home, and a friendof yours is
goingto look afterit whileyou' reaway,Youdon 'tgeta
chance to see your friendpersonally before you go
away, so you w ritea set of instruct ions inthe formof a
notefor your friend,explaininghowto feed andlook
after the animal.Youwill leavethisnoteon the kitchen
table:your friend has a key,
Writethe note(75- 100words),