1.2 Registertransfer
Readthe following piece of informal,spokenEnglish in whichsomeonedescribes
a job advertisement to a friend, t hen usethe information init to complete the
numberedgaps in the job advertisementitself. Usenotmorethantwowords
for eachgap.The exercisebeginswithan example(0).The words you needdo
notoccurin the informal, spoken English. See page 11 f or informationand
advice aboutth is exam task type.
'T here' s an adve rt hereinthe paper for a jobthat might
interestyou, Mar ia. A youngairlineexecutivewants a
Per sonal Assistant. T hemoney'snot bad- £ 1,300a
month- but thejob's only tem porary.The perso n who
normallydoes the job is off for sixmonths; having a
'Actually,thejobsounds right up yourstreet.You' ve
only got to know how touse a word processor and bea
bit of alinguist: they' reaskingfor good Englishandat
least oneot herEuropean language.Andyou mustn' t
The othe r thing theysayis that they want togive the job
to somebodywho'sgot "good interpersonal skills".I'm
afraid thatmeans beingc harming, sociableand
articulate. (Nevermind,I'msure they'll acce pt arude,
sulky delinquent ifshe 's good enoughat bluffing her
way through inter views!) Oh yes,andyou'vegottobe
good on the telephone.
If you'reinterestedin the job, you'vegot to phoneto
get an applicationform. T hewoman you speak to will
also be abletotellyou more aboutit. T henyou'vegot
to fill out the form andsend it off by theendof
February,otherw iseyou' ll be toolate. Doesn't give us
muchtime to work on your" interperso nal skills", does
Person a lassistant (b asedinstancbcster)
Ayoungairlineexecutive(0) requjr-es
a PersonalAssistantforsixmonthswhilethe
presentpost holderiso n ( L) ~
Thesuccessful ( 2 ) should
havewordprocessing(3) a
good(4) oftheEnglish
language and akeenin teres t in airtrave l.
Fluencyin oneormore European lan g uages is
highly (5) , as is a willingnessto
w o r ko ve rt ime.
Theperson( 6) wouldalso
h e expectedto (7) good
interpersonals kills an danexcelle n ttelephone
(8) ~
Applic ationformsand(9)' _
in forma tionconcerningtheposta rc
( 10) fromSueMur p h y( phon e
01716069999 )
(11) ap p licat io nformsmust
bereturnedbyFebruary28th. Noapplic ations
w illbe(12) aft e rthatdate.
Writingsub-sk ills • 1 7