2 Remember to useapairofcommasforparenthesis.If
you forget one of the two commas, the sentence can
become difficult to read.In each of the followingpai rsof
sentences,oneis badly punctuated.Supply the missing
l a Shewas, howevertired afte r he r exped itio n.
11>Shewas,however tiredafte rhe r exped it io n, still
sm iling.
2a Po liticians have to be fair. liedth e Prime .\ Iiniste r.
ZhPo liticians huveto he fair, lied less this year.
3a Il l' toldme whe n his co mpany was going to betaken
overhya multinational,soI quicklyhoughtshares.
3bH e toldmewhenbiscompanywas goingtobe taken
overbya multinat ional.that he was drink ing too m uch.
....aJenny told the storyo fliefhusband's accid e nt , was
an gJ)'wit hhi m.
4 1>Jennytold the storyo f he r h usb and's accident , laughing
till the tearsfall£10\ 1 1 he r f ace.
B Parent hesis attheb eginningorend of asenten ce
You only need onecomma if the parenthesiscomes at
the beginning orend ofa sentence: the full stop, colon,
semicolon,question markor exclamationmark takes the
place of the othercomma.
Catherineteasth e first 10 reach the peak .!wci ll gset out
bejoredau: n.
The conceptof parenthesis and the punctuation
appropriateto it can be applied to manydifferent
.Hybroth ersb ciflgrery[ ealous,l necerincite b oy shom e,
sentence adverb
Necertheless ,lie u;asa pleasuretolice[Cult.
prepositionalphrase beginning a sentence
IIItheMuldlc A ges, A mll1ul a[co/tld haul'heel!burntasa
Supply the necessarycommasin each of the following
1l0wCH! r 1 decidedtospe nd theday inthemountain
.2 \'e foundd eernearth etopofth e mountainthehighest
in Catalonia.
3 Onhea ringabo utthe de e r Fab iana d ecidedthat she
wouldclimhth emounta in.
4 1Iighill the sk)' an e agle soa redeffort le ssly enjoyi ngth e
su ns h ine.
C Definingandnon-defin ingrelative cla uses
Bearing in mindthata phrase in parenthesiscan be
omitted without changing the main idea of a sentence,
note the difference in meaning betwee n the following
1 T he girls, who went toue rohicsclasses ,fo un dthe climb
2 T he girls who wenttoaerobics classesfoundtheclim b
The main ideaof 1 isThegirls foundthe climb easy.
The main ideaof 2 isThe girls who went to aerobics
classes found the climbeasy.
In otherwords,in 1all thegirls found the climb easy,
w hereas in 2 it is onlythe girls whowent to aerobics
classes who found iteasy and the other girls didn't.
In sentence 1, the phrase'who wentto aerobics classes'
is written between commasbecauseit i s anon-defining
relativeclause: likeany phrase in parenthesis,it adds
informationbutit can be takenaway withoutchanging
the main ideaofthe sentence.
In sentence 2, t hephrase'w ho went to aerobics classes'
is w rittenw ithou tcommas because it is adefining
relative clause. It tells uswhichof the girls foundthe
D Sum mary
This exercise revises the use ofcommas for parenthesis.
Insert any necessary commasin the following sentences.
At leastone ofthesentences does not need a comma.
:\olyhirthdaywhichhad heg11nwithsunshinee nde d with
.2 Cleopatra He n ry's do g or ratherhitch wasanuisance
3 ~orwayheinga bitco ldinJan uaryI'vedecidedto go to
Mo rocco.
4 Marionwhowasfrigh tene do r spide rs heggt'dus cryillg
to tu rnback.
5 Whaf'shap penedto thecary01luse d todrivewhe nyo u
were ill California?
6 l Ic n rv'sbrotherth edoctorwasunable tu accompanyliS
huthisbrotherth e guita rist did come.
7 Howe veroldas sheisshehase nte re d the London
M arath onagain,
8 Ill'to ldme and 1 knowY0 11 're notgo ing tolikethis afte r
allthe drin ks)'011\ '('hought himami all thee lwrgy
yo u'vep u tintoyourattemptto sell hima Jag ua r that
he 'shough t a Fiat.
Writingsub-skills • 31