Describingpicturesandobjects • Mo du le 1B
1 B Describing pictures and objects
1.0 The orderofadjectives
\Vhen a numhe r of adjecti ves(and otherqualifie rs) go befo re a noun, theyar e
generallywritt eninthe follO\ving ord e r.
3 Size
10 N o un
6 C o lo ur
9 Co m p o un d
4 Age
5 Shape
1 N u mber!
2 Opinion
7 Origin
8 Material
a/oneIa dozcn l 365 /her1m!! teacher's/tooHUm !!I
C leo pat ra's/G en ghi sKhan 's I in numerab le
favou riteIadorable/st ylishIpriceless/channing/roma lltic/
uscju!/comfortable/soph isticated
d ecaden t/scandalo us/d angerous/old~f(JshjolledI
ch eapI llasf y/ugly/useless/di sgu sti ng/hor ill g
short/little/m icroscopic/giga1lticI (hvmf
(mill/lieI brand- new/te n- nea r-old/second-ha nd
o val /square Iround) spiral;streamlined/haggy /
poi nted/tapered I h carl -s hap ed I pear-shaped
j et b lack:I t artanICallan) yello wIshockingpi nk
C h erok ee/Chillese/A lpi lle/Hellaissm lce/Homa n/A1JOrigillai
gold/leath er/copper/d ia mond/icootlen/marble/glass
ear/key/wedding/electric/S1l11lmer/dinner/d isco
snw k illg/d in ing/reli gious/moto r/toy/bird/tree/ja=.,;:;
ring/tntuipe t/jacket/shoes/shlrttskirt/table/painti llg/car/
b oat/bath/house/teddy h ea r/reco rd/hal / room
A The'compound' describesthe noun's use, typeor purpose.Thisword is
often itself a noun; it joins withthenounto forma compoundnoun(earring, key-
ring , wedding ring).The compound nounmay behyphenated or writtenas one
or twowords:checkin adict ionary.
How many othercompoundnounscan youmak e from thecompoundandnoun
lists (g and 10) above?
B It ispossibleto usemore than threeor four adjectivesto describesomething,
butit sounds a bit unnatural ifyouhave asmany asnine adjectivesin front of a
lH y teacher's channing lit tle anti que taperedblack:C hi neseicoodeneartrumpet.
Choose five ofthe nouns above, and describethemusi ng fiveadjectives (or
other qualifiers) for each. You may use the adject ives in thelists, or any others.
Exa mples
a st ylis hsho rtItalian leath er skirt
a cheap seco nd -h an dshocki ng pinkdi scoshirt
so meuglyantique di a mOlullced d i ng rings
CThet hree st r angeitems illust rated to the left wereinvented fromwordsin the
table. Describethem. Be creative!
You have justarrivedby planein anEnglish-speaking country andthe airline
seemstohavelost your luggage. Writea briefbut detailed descriptionof the
luggage(eitheroneor twoitems).Do not mention or describe thecontents. Write
about100 words.
Task bank: Task 1
Types of writing • 4 1