Advanced Writing with English in Use

(Frankie) #1

Unit 2 • Action

2C Processesand systems

1.0 The passive voice
A Here are two explanations of the workings of a fire extinguisher.The first is
froma talk givenby a fireman. The second is from a school text book. The main
stylistic differenceis that the second is impersonal- the words 'I' and 'you'are
not used - and the verbsare oftenin the passive.
Put the verbs in the second textinto the appropriateform. Morethan oneword
may be required. Some of the verbsmaybe participles(stoppingorstopped)
ratherthanfull tenses(werestopping, had beenstopped).The first onehas been
donefor you as an exa mple.


'Thisone,paintedre d , is awat:r-filled fire.
ext ingu is he r. Asyou c a nsee,It s asteel cylI nde r
wit ha ho se c o m ingoutofth e top .ThISleverhe re.
where the h o s ejoin s what you use
to make it w o rk. Thecyl in de r'sa lmost fu llo f
w ater.andinsi de the w ate r there's acartridgeof
carbon dioxidegas athi ghpressure.
Tomake itwork .yo ujustpulloutt h iss a fe t ypin
hereandsqueezeth e lever.When youpulldown
thele ver. it pushe sapindownwhichmakes ahole
inthecarb o n dioxidecartridge .Andthatletsout
th ecasinto thes p ac eaboveth e wa te rInth e
cyl i n de r.Thegas. w h ic h is sti llo fcourseunder
hi gh p ressure.pushe sdown on the wate ra nd mak e s\
i t go u p thetubeinth emiddle. th roughth e h o s e.
a n do u t thro ug h th eno z zl e at the en d .Theno z zl eIS
s m all e r than thetube , to make thewate rc o m eo u t
faste r.This me an sit'sgoingtosendthewat~rfa r
e no ug hsoyoucanstand backfromth efife.

The CO2-propelled

Aw ater- tilledfireextinguishercomprisesa
red-painted steelcylinde r (co nnect)
connected to ahose and(control)
______ by an operating lever. The
cylinder (fill) almostto th e top
withw ater.Inside thecylinder is a cart ridge
(co ntain) C02 gas at high

When thesafety pin (remove) _
theoperatinglever can (squeeze )

  • , pushing apin down to
    (pierce) the C0 2 cartridge. The
    high-pressure gas (release)
    intothespaceabovethe wate rin thecylin der.
    The gas (push) down on the
    w ater,which(force) up the
    dischargetube to a hose (connect)

T he nozzle isnarrowerthan the discharg e
tube, so the speed at which the water (leave)
_ _ _ _ _ _is increased. Thewater
(throw) far enough so that the
operatorcan (stand) back from
the fire.

B Apart from the verbs, thereare other differences between the two texts.
1 Are there any wordsorphrases in the firsttext which would be out of placein
the second?
2 In the seco ndtext, whatwords and structures replace the phrases with the

54 • Types of writing

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