Argument • Module4A
4A Argument
1.0 Arguments for and against
Here welookat thetypeofwritingwherethewriterargues a case,orexpresses
an opinion,bylookingat a problemfromtwosides. In this type of w riting, the
way ideas areconnectedis veryimportant ; this is achievedby the use of
connec tingwords,by t he way the i de asaregrouped together intoparagraphs ,
andby the waythe paragraph sth emselves are ordered. The followingmini-
c omposit io n is an examp leof thebasicstructure.
T ellin g thetruthmay be avirtue,hutisitnot more importantto knowhowtotelllies?
Ohvi o uslv,mode rncivi lize dsocietycouldn'texistife ve rvb od vlie d all the time .But at
the same time, woulditnothe eq uallyd isastrousifeverybodyalways told the truth'?So
itse em sto me thatlyin gis anessentialskill , and thatschoolsarequiteright to teach
c hildre nhowto doit.
This expresses the wholeargumentin foursentence s. A longe r piece of writing
w o uld developtheideas in each of thesesentences into fou r (or mor e) paragraphs,
butthesame basic structurewouldbe retained.
Use yourimagination and creativityto completethe sentencesin the mini-
composit ions below. NotethatA-Elook atbothsidesof the argu men t,whereas
F andGareone-sidedandsimplylist reasons.
A Student softenwonderwheth erit's worth going to Britain tostudy English.
I wouldsayitdepe ndson _
So mestudents _
Others,however, _
Allillall, _
BThis is onlvth ethirdtimeI've andl stilldon'tknowif I
really enjoyit.
Insomeways, _
Also , _
Butat thesame time , _
Bya m l largc, I think _
C I'moftentoldI 'mllleky to he a man/ woman, hiltin fact it's a mixedble ssing.
Whileitis true tosavthat _
__________~,I neverthe le ss _
On balance ,I suppos e _
Typesof writing • 69