Reviews • Module4B
BModelling yourw ritingvery closelyon the SpaceWagonreview ,usethese
notes to write two paragraphs lookingat theadvantages anddisadvantagesof a
newmountainbikecalled theLamia Anboto. Startyour review, ' There aretwo
schools of thoughtabo ut mountain bikessuch as .. .'
Again stth eLamia Anh oto
- e xpens ive(£400)
- 21 gear s :unne ce ssaryin citi e s
ofmoun tainhik esused
only in citie s) - attractivetoth ieves,so
se ldo mused
- use fulinci tv
- shock absorbers.thickly re s:good(9.5%
for roughsurfacesand po thole s
ofc ity roads - callclimbonto p;w elllcll t
- ecology: c ar owne rs te mp tedinto
cyclinghyfasluonuhlcmachi ne
1.1 Film review
A Complete the review by writingthe missingwordin each gap .Use onl y one
wordfor each space. The exercisebegin s with an example(0).
BThis filmreview is mainly the writer's opinion, but he neversays'I'or 'in my
opi ni on' .Howdoeshe conveysuch astrong opinionwithoutusingthe first
Pedro Almodovar, almost a national inst it ut ion in
Spainand certainly the onlySpanishdirector
everybody knows,comes upw it h a nasty surprise
inHighHeels.(0) This is that he's no
longer capable ofsurpri singus.
Thereare,(1) ,momen ts in his
new film, ( 2) _ has made a
mount ainofpesetas inSpain, when things happen
(3) are, tosay theleast, odd.
(4) as whenVictoria Abril, as a
television newscast er, announces the murderof her
husbandon the box,calmly addingt hat itis she
w hois the culprit.
Almodovar'sf ilm is stylish,garishlydecorated,
anddre ss edw it h qreatand fashion-conscious
aplomb. It is (5)_ equippedw it h a
real capacity to allow itstwosplendid stars to
display(6)__ actingand otherassets.
But it doesn't exactly roll along in the
(7)_ f luent wayasWomenOn
TheVergeOf ANervous Breakdown,
(8)_ _. does it containthe fr issons of
TieMeUp,TieMeDown.(9) fad,
it is not abovea certainflatness inplacesandis
distinct ly (10) long.
(11) some funny jibes at the
media and somesuitably eccentr ic minor
characters, this is a melodrama that not onlylacks
real emot ion. but, dare one say i t,
(12) hasn't a lot ofreal f lair. It is
(13) __worthseeing;Almodovar
wouldhave toqrowa different skin actuallyto be
dull.( 14 )~_ _. _ _the inspirationisn't
(15) any meansconsistent lythere,
and it shows in the film 's slight lydisorganizedand
Types of w riting • 73