Describingpeople • ModuleSA
2.0 Describing someone in a picture
You canmake a descriptionmoreinte restingby going beyondthe surface ofthe
picture.Youmightspeculateabout some of theseideas.
- Wher ewas the phototake n (o r picturepainted)?" 'he n?\Vlty?Bywholll?
- \Vho is this person? (Charact e r,job,socialsituation,[a milv,past,future)
- Whataretheydoin g?\Vhat hav e they justbeendoi ng? \Vhatarc they ju st abou t
to do? \Vhatarctheythinkingabo ut? - \ Vhat is yo urpe rso nal reacti on to this pictu re/ to this person? Do)'0 11findthem
att ractive.interesting ,depre ssing? \Vh)'?Ilowdoy OIlfor-labo utwhatthey are
doing inthepicture?\'h)'?
Here is adescription of oneof the pictureson this page.
a Underlinethe phrases where the writerisspeculatingabout the picture:
the phrases where the writer is looking for the story behind the two-
dimensional image.
b Findthe paragraphs that describe the writer'spersonal reactionto thepicture.
Why do thes e paragraphs come at this stage ofthe description?
c Nowwrite your own des criptionof one of the othertwo photographs.
It' s a black a nd white photograph of a man
holdin g a trumpet. He'sholding it asif he'sjust
waiting for themoment toraise it tohis lips. Both
the man and thetrumpet look like they 're old,
worn a nd used : the man'sfaceis very lineda nd
wrink led, while the enamel is flakin g off the
tru mpet.It' s very hard to guess the man's exact
age, hut iwouldsay he wasin his la te fifties,early
s ixt ies.
Judgin g by his cloth es, he's probably ajazz
musicia n:he' s wearinga n ope nshirta nda 'sma rt
but casua l' sports j acket.The open shirt reveals a
st rong neck which appea rsweat he r-beate n,as if
the manhad spentall his life in thesun. We can't
see the lowerhalf of his body: apa rtfrom his head
and shoulde rs,we ca n only see his hand s. The
fing ers a re surprisingly thick a nd st ro ng, in
contrast to the bony,ratherhagga rdface.
The photo seems to have been taken during a
conce rt: to judgeby his tight lips a nd open mouth
he is eitherj ust about to play or he could be
singi ng,though we can'tsee a microphone. The
sweat-soakedst ra nds o f hairacross his forehead
a nd left ea r imply that he is onstag e andhasn't
posed for thisphoto.
There is alot of a tmosphe re, t ha nksto the way
th e light has caught the lines on the musician's
face. This face and this expression - is he
suffe ring, or is he en raptu red? - is, for me, the
faceofa n oldma n retellingthe finest a nd most
tragic moments ofhis life.
I wishwe could hea r themusic.
Types of writin g• 8 1