Unit6 • Formal letters
88 • Task types
Noles onthelayoutofafonnalletter
Your addr e ss,hut notyo ur name.
.2 \\'he n writinghyhand, make sureyo uraddre ssis le gihle .Tosomeo newho
doe sn 'tknow yourco untry orlanguage , you raddresswillappearto hea
meaningless jumhleof lettersandnumbe rs.
,3Yourtelephon enumbe r maybe important- remember, you'reh:ingto
commu nicatewi th the sepeople.
-:l The n am e of the personyou 'r e wri ti ng to(ifyOIlknowit )followedhyth ei r
posit ion .The .\lw wgeris a goodall-purposeoption.
5 The add ressof the people you' rewriting to.
sThe date.
7 Ir yOlldon't know the nameofth e person you' rewritingto,yOIlcan liseDear
Sir. Dea r.\fat/a m, Dea r Sirorslatlam,DearSir/,\[adal1l.
Ify Olldoknow the nam e, liseit .But makeSlifeyou spell it correct ly. Thenuse
Dear.\11'Blair(neverM ister); Dear .\lrsPeacock(a married woman);Dear .\liss
Ball(anunmarriedwoman);Dearsl«s l ctcalfe(a womanwhoc hoosesnot to
adverti sehermarital stat us, orwhosemaritalstatusY01ldon't know);Dears l r
al/{Il\lrs Bessin,Ifyour corr es po ndent hasa title otherthan the se, lise it.
Dea rDrJekyll D earProfesso rH eger
S Refe re nce. T his sente nceshould te ll YOllr cor res ponde ntexact ly whatY0 11 are
wfiting about. ffYOIl nrc repl)ing toa letter, me nt ion the dateoft hatletter.
oThe substance of'yo ur letter.
10 flow you wantYOllrcorrespondentto respo ndtoyour l ett e r.
II rOllrssiJlce rel yif1'0 11 sta rte d witha na me:Dea rAI rSmith
rOilr sfaitlifullyif you didn't knowth e name:Dea r Sir or.\I(/(/mll
12 Yoursignature , always writtenbyhand.
13 Yourname , incapitals when writi nghyhand.Itmusthe legihlebe cau sethis is
the()II/yplaceYOllr nam eis writte n: itappea rsneitherat theto pofthele tter no r
on the hackofthe enve lope.
14 Position .Only used whe nwritingfro ma busine ss.
15 On this line.\"(>11mav w. rite:
EncorEncs(fo llowe d bv alistofe nclosu res -docume ntswhichyouarese ndi ng
togethe r with the letter.)
P.5.(fo llowed hy informationth at you forgot toinclud e in the mainbodvofth e
letter- not a signof a well-orga nizedp ieceofwriting!)