the washington post
friday, march 13, 2020
american women, including 81 works in
varied media, such as sculpture, textiles,
beadwork and photography. 17th Street and
Pennsylvania avenue nW.
smiTHsoniAn AmeRiCAn ART museum
“Picturing the american Buffalo: George
catlin and Modern native american artists,”
through april 12. an exhibition of works by
catlin, an artist of european descent who
painted to document native cultures and
who demonstrated in his works the
prominence of the buffalo in the daily lives of
native americans. also including works by
contemporary native american artists Paul
Flying eagle Goodbear, Beatien Yazz,
Woodrow crumbo and Julian Martinez.
eighth and F streets nW. americanart.si.edu.
smiTHsoniAn nATionAL museum oF
nATuRAL HisToRY “Beauty rich and
rare,” through July 5. an exhibition of
specimens from the first recorded
expedition from europe to the eastern
coastline of australia, lead by captain James
cook and accompanied by British naturalist
Joseph Banks, botanists and illustrators, via
the HMB endeavour, which sailed from
england to australia 250 years ago.
10th Street and constitution avenue nW.
u.s. BoTAniC gARDen “U.S. Botanic
Garden at 200: deeply rooted, Branching
outward,” t hrough oct. 15. an interactive
exhibition that looks at the history of the
200-year-old garden and its future.
“discover the World of orchids,” through
May 3. in celebration of the garden’s
bicentennial, a Manila hemp rope sculpture
installation by artist Susan Beallor-Snyder is
featured, along with thousands of orchid
blooms. 100 Maryland ave. SW. usbg.gov.
u.s. HoLoCAusT memoRiAL museum
“one thousand and Seventy-eight Blue
Skies,” through april 25. an exhibition
of images of the sky above every known nazi
concentration camp across europe taken by
photographer anton Kusters between 2012
and 2017. each photograph is stamped with
the camp’s GPS coordinates and the number
of victims at the camp. 100 raoul
Wallenberg Pl. S W. ushmm.org.
ViRginiA museum oF Fine ARTs
“Working together: Louis draper and the
Kamoinge Workshop,” through June 14.
Some 180 photographs by 15 african
american photographers from the Kamoinge
Workshop, a group founded in 1963, are
exhibited. 200 n. arthur ashe Blvd.,
richmond. vmfa.museum.
nATionAL museum oF AsiAn ART
“Hokusai: Mad about Painting,” through nov.
- an exhibition of paintings, sketches and
drawings — including six-panel folding
screens, hanging scrolls and drawings for
woodblock prints — by the Japanese artist
commemorates the centennial of charles
Lang Freer’s death in 1919 and the 2020
Summer olympics in tokyo. “a ge old cities: a
Virtual Journey from Palmyra to Mosul,”
through oct. 25. a virtual exhibition of large-
scale projections and digital reconstruction
that tours the cities of Palmyra and aleppo in
Syria and Mosul in iraq, among the oldest in
the world, that have been ravaged by war.
1050 independence ave. SW.
nATionAL museum oF THe AmeRiCAn
inDiAn “our Universes: traditional
Knowledge Shapes our World,” through dec.
1, 2021. the exhibition focuses on
indigenous cosmologies, worldviews and
philosophies related to the creation and
order of the universe and the spiritual
relationship between humankind and the
natural world. Fourth Street and
independence avenue SW.
nATionAL museum oF Women in THe
ARTs “Graciela iturbide’s Mexico,” t hrough
May 25. this exhibition of 140 of the artist’s
black-and-white gelatin silver prints focuses
on many aspects of Mexican culture and
community, including the Seri, Juchitán and
Mixtec societies, from fiestas to processions
honoring the dead, and also includes
snapshots of Fr ida Kahlo’s personal items
left at her home after her death. 1250 new
York ave. nW. nmwa.org.
nATionAL poRTRAiT gALLeRY “Women of
Progress: early camera Portraits,” through
May 31. an exhibition of ambrotypes and
daguerreotypes from the 1840s and 1850s
featuring portraits of iconic feminists Lucy
Stone and Margaret Fuller, author Harriet
Beecher Stowe and abolitionist Lucretia
Mott. eighth and F streets nW. npg.si.edu.
pHiLLips CoLLeCTion “Moira dryer: Back
in Business,” t hrough april 19. an exhibition
of some 30 modernist and abstract
paintings and sculptures by the artist whose
work as a set designer for the avant-garde
theater company Mabou Mines influenced
her work. 1600 21st St. nW.
RenWiCK gALLeRY “Hearts of our People:
native Women artists,” through May 17. an
exhibition that demonstrates the artistic
achievements and collaborations of native
His circle,” t hrough June 14. in celebration
of the 500th anniversary of the artist’s
death, 25 prints and drawings are exhibited,
including four of the artist’s drawings: a
representation of the prophets Hosea and
Jonah; a study for part of the frescoes in the
church of Santa Maria della Pace in rome;
the sheet from which the design of his
painting Saint George and the dragon was
transferred and the cartoon for the Belle
Jardinière. also included are drawings by his
collaborators and followers. Sixth Street and
constitution avenue nW. nga.gov.
nATionAL geogRApHiC museum
“Becoming Jane: the evolution of dr.
Goodall,” t hrough Sept. 7. a multimedia
exhibition celebrating the life and work of
Jane Goodall, including an exploration in 3-d
of tanzania’s Gombe Stream national Park,
where she did behavioral research on
chimps. “Women: a century of change,”
through May 10. timed to celebrate the
100th anniversary of the U.S. constitutional
amendment allowing women to vote, this
exhibition includes photographs depicting
women from around the globe,
demonstrating what it means to be female.
1145 17th St. nW. nationalgeographic.org.
nATionAL museum oF AFRiCAn
AmeRiCAn HisToRY AnD CuLTuRe “We
return Fighting: the african american
experience in World War i,” t hrough June 14.
an interpretation of life experiences of
african americans during the time of World
War i is exhibited, including military, political,
social, economic and cultural experiences
before, during and after the war. 14th Street
and constitution avenue nW. nmaahc.si.edu.
nATionAL museum oF AFRiCAn ART “i
am... contemporary Women artists of
africa,” through July 5. an exhibition of works
by 28 female artists that demonstrate a
contemporary feminism, covering subjects
such as faith, racism, identity, community,
politics and the environment.
950 independence ave. SW. africa.si.edu.
nATionAL museum oF AmeRiCAn
HisToRY “creating icons: How We
remember Women’s Suffrage,” through
March 7, 2021. a six-foot portrait of Susan B.
anthony and donations by the national
american Women’s Suffrage association
(n ow the League of Women Voters), including
items from the 2017 Women’s March and
Speaker of the House nancy Pelosi’s gavel,
are exhibited to commemorate the 100th
anniversary of the 19th amendment.
14th Street and constitution avenue nW.
mixed-media installation includes t-shirt
silk-screening, a soup kitchen and an
exhibition of ceramic sculptures. 12100 Glen
rd., Potomac. glenstone.org.
Hi LLWooD esTATe, museum AnD
gARDens “natural Beauties: exquisite
Works of Minerals and Gems,” t hrough June
- Furniture and objects made from precious
stones and minerals from Marjorie
Merriweather Post’s collections are
exhibited, including antique chinese jades,
cartier frames and a 1920s mosaic-style
table top made of 11 types of stone.
4155 Linnean ave. nW. hillwoodmuseum.org.
Hi RsHHoRn museum AnD sCuLpTuRe
gARDen “Marcel duchamp: the Barbara
and aaron Levine collection,” through oct. - timed to the 50th anniversary of the
artist’s death, more than 35 works are
exhibited, along with 15 portraits,
photographs and works on paper by his
contemporaries. Seventh Street and
independence avenue SW. hirshhorn.si.edu.
LiBRARY oF CongRess “Shall not Be
denied: Women Fight for the Vote,” t hrough
September. a look at women’s suffrage —
the longest reform movement in american
history — through images, documents, audio
and video recordings. 10 First St. Se. loc.gov.
museum oF THe BiBLe “the tapestry of
Light: intersections of illumination,” through
May 3. a tapestry using nanotechnology
created by irene Barberis that is a visual
interpretation of the story of John’s
apocalypse, inspired by the angers
apocalypse tapestry in Fr ance. “With a
Mighty Hand,” t hrough May 17. a selection of
illuminated Haggadot from the past 500
years are exhibited. 400 Fourth St. SW.
nATionAL AiR AnD spACe museum “neil
armstrong Spacesuit,” through Jan. 1, 2022.
the spacesuit neil armstrong wore when he
took the first steps on the moon is exhibited
in connection with the anniversary of the
apollo 11 mission. Sixth Street and
independence avenue. airandspace.si.edu.
nATionAL BonsAi AnD penJing
museum AT THe u.s. nATionAL
ARBoReTum “Sakura orihon: diary of a
cherry Blossom Journey,” through april 7. an
exhibition of orihon, or sketchbooks, created
by landscape architect ron Henderson, who
sketched the blossoming cherry trees in
Japan, includes horticultural practices such
as pruning techniques, root grafting and
rope tenting. 3501 new York ave. ne.
nATionAL gALLeRY oF ART “raphael and
“CAnDiCe BReiTZ: Too Long, DiDn’T
ReAD” three video installations by the artist
are exhibited: “Love Story” (2016), which
shows the experiences of six refugees as
to ld by themselves and by actors Julianne
Moore and alec Baldwin; “tLdr” ( 20 17 ), (the
acronym for “too long, didn’t read)” which
was produced with the Sex Workers
education & advocacy taskforce in cape
town, South africa, and features 10
interviews with sex workers; and “Profile,”
which shows 10 individuals claiming to be
candice Breitz. at Baltimore Museum of art.
opening Sunday. Baltimore Museum of art,
10 art Museum dr., Baltimore. artbma.org.
“oBJeCTs FRom THe sTuDio: ouTDooR
sCuLpTuRe AT THe KReegeR museum”
an exhibition of sketches, maquettes and
objects from artists’ studios demonstrates
how outdoor sculptures are made. opening
tuesday. Kreeger Museum, 2401 Foxhall rd.
nW. kreegermuseum.org.
“unseTTLeD nATuRe: ARTisTs ResponD
To THe Age oF HumAns” Works from eight
artists who examine the role and influence
of humans on nature and the planet are
featured. opening Wednesday. Smithsonian
national Museum of natural History, 10th
Street and constitution avenue nW.
“WenDY nAnAn” Works by the caribbean
artist are exhibited, including drawings she
made during four decades of cricket games,
papier-mache and sculptures. opening
thursday. art Museum of the americas,
201 18th St. nW. museum.oas.org.
AmeRiCAn uniVeRsiTY museum AT THe
KATZen ARTs CenTeR “Landscape in an
eroded Field: carol Barsha, Heather theresa
clark, artemis Herber,” through Sunday.
Works in the pictorial landscape tradition by
the artists are exhibited. Herber’s
architectonic reliefs and Barsha’s
landscapes are accompanied by clark’s
soundscape. “communicating Vessels: ed
Bisese, elyse Harrison, Wayne Paige,”
through Sunday. Works of artists with
differing imagery and styles, but who all work
from similar 1930s surrealist tendencies,
are exhibited. the exhibition title is borrowed
from that of a book written in 1932 by
surrealist poet andré Breton, for whom the
phrase refers to artistic work that results
from the communication between the
experiences of interior and exterior life.
4400 Massachusetts ave. nW.
AmeRiCAn VisionARY ART museum “the
Secret Life of earth: alive! awake! (and
Possibly really angry!),” t hrough Sept. 6. to
coincide with the 50th anniversary of earth
day, this exhibition includes little-known
facts about nature, information on how what
we eat and other individual behaviors
influence our environment, the difference
between weather and climate, the health
and environmental price of using pesticides,
the effects of a capitalist economy on the
environment, positive solutions to many
environmental problems, and even humor.
800 Key Hwy., Baltimore. avam.org.
AnACosTiA CommuniTY museum “a
right to the city,” through april 20. an
exhibition that explores the history of the
changing neighborhoods in Washington, of
how citizens helped change their
neighborhoods through bettering public
education and the greening of communities,
and by rallying for more equitable transit and
development. 1901 Fort Pl. Se.
BALTimoRe museum oF ART “Zackary
drucker: icons,” t hrough June 28. Self-
portrait photographs of the artist, producer
and activist are juxtaposed with photos the
artist took of rosalyne Blumenstein, director
the Lesbian and Gay community Services
center’s Gender identity Project in the
1990s. 10 art Museum dr., Baltimore.
Design “intersectionality: diaspora in the
creole city,” through March 20. Works with
themes of creole city life, including myth,
religion, politics and culture, are presented.
Most are artists affiliated with Miami.
500 17 th St. nW. corcoran.gwu.edu.
geoRge WAsHingTon uniVeRsiTY
museum AnD THe TeXTiLe museum
“delight in discovery: the Global collections
of Lloyd cotsen,” t hrough July 5. an
exhibition of garments, textile fragments
and works of art the collector accumulated
over his lifetime. museum.gwu.edu.
gLensTone “rirkrit tiravanija: Fear eats
the Soul (2011),” t hrough March 31. the
on exhibit
U.S. Botanic Garden
“Weaving Narratives,” a Manila hemp rope sculpture by Susan Beallor-Snyder, is part of the “Discover the World of Orchids” exhibit at the
U.S. Botanic Garden through May 3.
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