
(coco) #1
The Professional Beauty awards are very important as they
have elevated the level of the industry, whilst the show brings
people together around the table, allowing industry professionals
to share their successes and challenges, which ultimately means
that people can move their businesses in an upward trajectory.
As a brand, it connects us with clients, allowing us to showcase
and share with them our latest products and innovations and
assure them of our presence as a leader within the industry.

What are your plans for the 2020 exhibition and awards this year?
We will of course be sharing the latest product launches from
EIDEAL and the brands that fall within our portfolio.
We will also proudly support the Awards journey starting from
the judging process and culminating in the announcement of
the winners, as we are keen to grow the community and be part
of its development.
We also have some exciting news, which will be announced
closer to the event!

We were closely following your amazing achievement of running
the Ultra Marathon this year – congratulations! Why Ultra-
Marathons? Was this your first Ultra-Marathon?
This was my first ultramarathon. I never actually thought that I
enjoyed running until I joined InnerFight; the CrossFit box where I
train. Eleven months ago, I ran my first marathon with Marcus

Smith, the founder of InnerFight - he’s a living
legend who ran 30 marathons in 30 days and
207km in 24 hours over 400M Track!
It’s been on my mind for a few years now
because I wanted to challenge myself and get
out of my comfort zone. I’m someone who
appreciates luxury and living in Dubai, you get
so used to a certain standard of living so to put
myself in the middle of the desert without any
comforts was going to be a real challenge and
this was further capped by having to run 250km.
A few of my teammates signed up for Ultra X
Jordan, so I thought that this was the perfect
opportunity for me to challenge myself –
physically, mentally and emotionally. >



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