National Geographic March2020

(Wang) #1

The trash silo at a new
incinerator in Copen-
hagen holds more than
24,000 tons. Automatic
cranes mix the waste
to help it burn cleaner.
Equipment to filter the
smoke takes up much
of the plant’s interior. A
clean-burning, energy-
generating incinerator
is a better end for trash
than a dump—but the
circular economy aims
to end trash by not
producing it at all.
Dubbed Copenhill,
the incinerator in
Denmark’s capital uses
the latest technology
to convert 534,600
tons of waste a year
into energy to electrify
30,000 homes and heat
72,000. The plant dou-
bles as a recreational
destination, with
an all-season ski slope,
a tree-lined hiking
and running trail, and
a 280-foot climbing
wall, the world’s tallest.


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