National Geographic March2020

(Wang) #1

Switching from fossil
fuels to renewable
energy, like the heat
generated by magma
beneath Iceland’s lava
fields, is an essential
step in creating a circu-
lar economy. The Hell-
isheiði Power Station
(right), the country’s
largest geothermal
plant and the world’s
third largest, produces
electricity as well
as heat for homes.
Geodesic domes over
each well help reduce
the visual blot on the
landscape. At the Blue
Lagoon (next photo),
geothermal water that
has already generated
electricity at the Svart-
sengi Power Station
and is no longer scald-
ing is used to create a
popular tourist attrac-
tion. The water’s high
silica content keeps it
from leaching into the
lava field and gives it
an appealing aqua tint.


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