Evolution The violent spirit to forge a civilization vol 1

(Rodrigo GrandaB_hQJo) #1
assistant Tom Gray found Lucy, a 3. 2 million year-old
skeleton. When reconstructed, the pieces composed about 40
per cent of the skeleton (or 70 per cent after lab technicians
created mirror image replicas of bones missing on the
opposite side) of a petite female with an ape-sized brain who
stood just over 1 metre tall. The Hadar team collected
hundreds more specimens of the same species later dubbed
Australopithecus afarensis. These filled in parts missing from
Lucy, including skull, hands, and feet. Today this fossil
species is one of the best-known in the human family with
more than 400 specimens ranging from 3 to 3. 7 million years
old. https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/lucy-
and-ardi-the-two-fossils-that-changed-human-history/ [...]yet
to be found. Most anthropologists had not believed those
findings. By the mid- 1990 s, the molecular evidence was so
strong that it was clear that the first chapter — the genesis of
humankind — was missing entirely. Biochemists had
identified chimpanzees as the closest living relative of
humans by com- paring the DNA of humans and other apes.
When they lined up the same stretches of DNA from humans
and chimpanzees, they consistently found too many
differences — or mutations — to have accumulated in the
time since Lucy's species arose, about 3. 8 million years ago.
Since mutations accumulate over long stretches of DNA at a
relatively steady rate over millions of years, geneticists can
count the differences in the DNA and use them like a clock
to date roughly when one species splits from another species.
The molecular clock, which is set using dates from the fossil
record, has consistently timed the split of humans from the
ancestor of chimpanzees earlier — to sometime between 5
million and 7 million years ago. Yet fossil hunters had found
only a few teeth and scraps of poorly dated bone older than
Lucy. The greatest unsolved problem in the field of human
origins was, What came be- fore Lucy? Who was the first
member of the human family? And where was the even older
ape that was the last ancestor humans shared with
chimpanzees before they parted company and went down
their separate evolutionary paths?[...] The first human: the
race to discover our earliest ancestors by Gibbons, Ann.
Publication date 2006. Publisher New York: Doubleday.
Language English, Page 7.
https://books.google.com.mx/books?id= 67 dZ 8 J 78 LH 4 C&pri
ntsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad= 0 #v=on
epage&q&f=true Lucy's Story, Institute of Human Origins.
How do we know she was a hominid? The term hominid
refers to a member of the zoological family Hominidae.
Hominidae encompasses all species originating after the
human/African ape ancestral split, leading to and including
all species of Australopithecus and Homo. While these
species differ in many ways, hominids share a suite of
characteristics that define them as a group. The most
conspicuous of these traits is bipedal locomotion, or walking
upright. How do we know Lucy walked upright? As in a

[ 1 ]Федоров Н.Ф. Философия общего дела: Статьи,

мысли и письма Николая Федоровича Федорова, изд. под
ред. В.А. Кожевникова и Н.П. Петерсона. Т. 1 - 2. Том
I. — Верный: Тип. Семиречен. обл. правл., 1906. — XII,
731 , 5 с. Не для продажи. «ФИЛОСОФИЯ ОБЩЕГО
ДЕЛА» – название, закрепившееся за сводом сочинений
Н.Ф. Федорова, подготовленных к печати его учениками
В.А. Кожевниковым и Н.П. Петерсоном. Предложено
Кожев-никовым в 1904 г. В 1906 – 1913 гг. в свет вышли
два первых тома. Редакционная и составительская работа
над третьим томом была оборвана смертью обоих
издателей. I том «Философии общего дела», изданный в
1906 г. в г. Верном тиражом 480 экземпля-ров с грифом
«Не для продажи» и рассыла-вшийся издателями
библиотекам и частным лицам, включил в себя основные
работы Ф., дающие целостное представление об его
учении. Книга открывалась главным сочине-нием
мыслителя «Вопрос о братстве, или родстве, о причинах
небратского, неродстве-нного, т. е. немирного, состояния
мира и о средствах к восста-новлению родства»
( 1878 – 1990 - е гг.), изложенным в форме «Записки от
неученых к ученым, духовным и светским, к верующим
и неверующим» http://nffedorov.ru/w/images/e/e 5 /NFF-
1 .pdf с призывом к единению в общем деле регуляции
природы и воскрешения. Fedorov, N. F. “The Question of
Brotherhood or Kinship, of the Reasons for the Unbrotherly,
Unkindred, or Unpeaceful State of the World, and of the
Means for the Restoration of Kinship” in Edie, J. M.; Scanlan,
J. P.; Zeldin, M.; and Kline, G. L., eds. Russian Philosophy,
Vol. 3 : Pre-Revolutionary Philosophy Theology,
Philosophers in Exile, Marxists and Communists Chicago:
Quadra-ngle Books, 1965. 16 - 54. This is one place to begin
if you want to read Fedorov directly (in English translation).
https://www.worldcat.org/es/title/ 490799640
The philosophy of the common task. Nikolai Fyodorov.
Selected works translated from the Russian and abridged by
Elisabeth Kou-taissoff and Marilyn Minto.

[ 2 ]The Afar Depression of Ethiopia is one of the most

productive fossil-producing regions of the world. Part of the
East African Rift System, this sedimentary basin was formed
by the separation of continental plates. Thanks to favourable
geology, its sun-scorched deserts represent a prime hunting
ground for extinct members of the human family. The
potential of this region came to light in the 1970 s thanks to
the pioneering work of geologist Maurice Taieb. After
finding the ground strewn with petrified bones, he invited
French and American scientists to form a research team and
they quickly focused on one fossil-rich area called Hadar. In
1974 , anthropologist Donald Johanson and his graduate

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