Evolution The violent spirit to forge a civilization vol 1

(Rodrigo GrandaB_hQJo) #1

communication technologies, as well as on innovations that

enabled the development of renewable energies.»

«The idea was that the potential of these elements would

act together to provide major changes in various areas. But

such high levels of interactivity and intercommunication were

only possible in countries where the programming languages

and the industries involved in the construction of the different

types of computers were being developed. At the same time,

innovations in the field of energy only meant a "false

environmentalist" (^) [ 26 ] stance, lacking any planning to replace

the petroleum derivatives present in our consumer society.»

«Moreover, with the advent of Cryptocurrency

[ 27 ]

, there

is no capacity for the development and exploitation of

renewable sources of energy to ensure the availability of such

a currency - no energy, no grid, no grid, and no currency. »

Title of article: Get Ready for the Phoenix. Source: Economist; 01 / 9 / 88 , Vol. 306 , pp 9 - 10
https://archive.org/details/sim_economist_ 1988 - 01 - 09 _ 306 _ 7532 /page/n 5 /mode/ 2 up
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