Evolution The violent spirit to forge a civilization vol 1

(Rodrigo GrandaB_hQJo) #1

Today, the holders of shares that control Finance and the world economy are

betting on a single government in the hands of a centralized bank. One

world, one currency has been the apex of the great civilizations. The money

"real de a ocho" (^) [ 28 ] was the international currency imposed by the Spanish

Empire for 3 centuries, although this monetary value was thanks to the

plundering of the colonies, and not to the wealth within the borders of

Hispania. By 1801 the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

Ireland was established, so the "pound sterling" (^) [ 29 ] became its official

currency, and a few years later its value was linked for the first time to that

of gold. The idea of a world currency is not new, but it may soon gain new

momentum, thanks to the violence of the war that began in Syria and has

reached Ukraine. But the confinement of the pandemic also drove high-

tech-related markets to huge profits, and sectors that were unprepared for

"technological disruption" (^) [ 30 ] to total bankruptcy.

─Digital revolution without spiritual archiving

Capitalism and freedom by Friedman Milton, 1912 - 2006. Publication date: 2002. Publisher: University
of Chicago Press. Language: English. https://archive.org/details/capitalismfreedo 0000 frie_n 9 k 6

In difficult times; people are not allowed, nor encouraged, to think the

unthinkable, let alone: ─think against what we are led to believe is the right

thing to do─. The American economist Milton Friedman (^) [ 31 ] describes the

tactic of contemporary capitalism (which requires violence to be applied) as:

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