Elle UK - 04.2020

(Tuis.) #1
Finally, it is time. We proceed in single file out of the side door

  • the production assistant in the lead, followed by Turner, her
    publicist, her make-up artist, her hairdresser, the hairdresser’s
    assistant and myself. At the back of the house, we reach an
    alley where a large black car is waiting. Six of us load in. Because
    it’s a little crowded, the assistant hairdresser volunteers to walk.
    Turner insists I take the front passenger seat. The production
    assistant turns the key and the vehicle purrs to life. Gingerly,
    we begin to roll forward.
    ‘How far are we going?’ Turner asks.
    ‘Just to the corner,’ indicates the production assistant, pointing
    through the windscreen to the knot of people and equipment at
    the end of the alley, no more than 2OOft away.
    ‘I think I could have walked,’ Turner deadpans. Everyone
    makes noises of agreement.
    ‘I feel like a such a dick...’ she says.

he shoot wrapped, the next day we meet at Chateau
Marmont. The Chateau is the Dorian Gray of hotels.
The ghosts of infinite celebrity interviews inhabit its lobby,
and yet it has somehow managed to maintain its shine and
currency over the decades. We’re at a small round table with
plush, high-backed chairs. The sun slants through the window
from the garden restaurant, enveloping the Queen of the North
in a haze of celestial light.
Sophie Belinda Jonas – her legal name – is in a comfortably
worn pair of white Umbro sport shoes with a heather grey
sweatshirt and jogging bottoms ensemble of the thick cotton,
hanging-around-the-house variety. It’s emblazoned on both chest
and leg with the word ‘Erewhon’, the name of a high-end organic
grocery chain in L A. Only the sweats aren’t made by Erewhon.
They’re made by a company called Pizzaslime. (‘Pizzaslime is
a creative project by two idiot savants who fulfill your need to
disappoint your parents,’ its website explains.)
‘It’s ironic, you know, like this would be a really douche-baggy
thing to wear out, because Erewhon’s so expensive, and that’s
kinda why I like it,’ she says.
And so it proceeds for the next
9O minutes: the wisecracks, the
nimble comebacks, the laughter
that ricochets across the room, the
swearing that she worries may be
a little less PC than most would
like, ‘because English people are
perhaps a little more OK than
Americans with being sarcastic
and rude to each other’.
The village of Chesterton is
famous only for its windmill and its
proximity to Leamington Spa, the Regency town south of
Birmingham. But this is where Turner called home for most of her
childhood. Her father Andrew was a manager at a company that
distributed pallets for a shipping business. Her mother Sally was
a special needs teacher. There are two brothers, both older – one
a lawyer, the other a doctor. And Sophie had a twin, who sadly
died before birth. (‘My therapist has come to this conclusion
[that’s why] I constantly have to twin with people’, she says.)

is sitting regally
in a make-up chair on the ground floor of a vast poured-concrete
house hunkered beside the boardwalk in Venice Beach, California

  • a radiant monarch on a makeshift throne, ready to set to work.
    Outside the large front windows, a river of humanity streams
    past: walkers, joggers and riders of all manner of wheeled
    conveyance. Beyond them stretches a wide expanse of the
    finest white sand and, beyond that, you can see the curve
    of the earth, right where the dazzling Pacific Ocean sits against
    a Crayola-blue sky.
    Inside the house, Sophie Turner, 24, submits to the ministrations
    of her attendants. Though her hair is back to its natural blonde,
    she is immediately recognisable as the English schoolgirl who
    first appeared on our screens nine years ago, at the age of 15, in
    the beloved and much-decorated HBO series Game of Thrones.
    As the ginger-haired Sansa Stark, Turner portrayed with
    gathering skill the coming of age of a young woman who suffered
    greatly over the course of the show’s nine seasons, yet prevailed
    mightily in the end, leading her kingdom to independence. In
    2O19, the show’s final year, Turner was nominated for an Emmy
    for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series.
    Between going to school and shooting Game of Thrones for
    five or more months every year, she somehow found time to cram in
    several films (the X-Men series, Barely Lethal and Josie – the latter
    two memorable only for Turner’s performances) and, of course,
    settle down with a pop superstar. Much has been made of her
    relationship with Joe Jonas, whom
    she married in May last year; even
    more of the triumvirate of Jonas
    wives she is now a part of, known
    as the J Sisters. It comprises actor
    and singer Priyanka Chopra Jonas
    (who is married to the youngest
    member of the group, Nick)
    and reality star Danielle ‘Dani’
    Deleasa Jonas, wife of the eldest
    brother, Kevin. It is a long way from
    the small Warwickshire village
    where Turner grew up.
    Suddenly, there is movement. The make-up artist paints a final
    coat of electric blue shadow across her lids, while the hairdresser
    holds out his hand to accept a final hank of silken blonde hair
    extension from his assistant.
    Turner wears a relaxed dark grey suit, a colourful wool
    sleeveless jumper and a shirt with an oversized collar – all by
    Louis Vuitton, for whom she is a brand ambassador – the effect of
    which is to transform her into a young Twiggy right before our eyes.

ELLE.COM/UK April 2020 123

The Queen of


huge Busted fans. Then


broke up.^ So we hated them”


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