Elle UK - 04.2020

(Tuis.) #1
watch on your mobile phone. Quibi hopes to do for the commuter
crowd what Netflix has done for the at-home audience.
‘The second I finished Game of Thrones,’ Turner says, ‘I wanted
to go straight back to some form of television. I just love the
atmosphere that you get on set; I love the arc you can create
over a number of episodes. When I found out about Quibi, it was
one of those things where you say, “I don’t know if this is going to
work, but I want to be a part of it.” And then I read the script and
I fell in love with it.
‘In Survive, my character has been in rehab for an entire year,’
Turner says. ‘And I suffer with depression. I suffer with anxiety and
eating disorders, too – there’s a good amount of stuff in my family.
It felt like I knew so much of that world.’
I ask if doing the series has helped Turner with her own issues.
She shrugs her shoulders and takes another blueberry from the bowl
of mixed berries she has ordered for breakfast.
‘I suppose, yes, at the time it’s very therapeutic, because I’m
not thinking about myself. But then afterwards, not so much.’ She
pops the blue orb into her mouth. ‘What happens is, I’ve been
so obsessed with portraying this
other character’s problems that
I haven’t worked on me.’

ur time together is quickly
coming to an end. Across
the lobby, I see Turner’s publicist
taking a seat on the couch. She
gives me a little sharp nod that
signals an imminent wrap-up.
I launch one more question her
way: ‘What did you think about
theGame of Thronese n d i n g? ’
‘I didn’t watch it,’ she says.
There is a silence.
‘I began watching when the last season started,’ she continues.
‘I was planning to watch the rest, but then I fell behind. And then
I started reading all these comments online...’
‘And you didn’t want to ruin it?’
‘I feel like not everyone can be satisfied with the ending.
Especially a show that’s been going for 1O years at that point.
People have so many ideas about how they want it to end. You
can’t make every fan happy.’
‘But how does it feel to have been part of one of the greatest
shows of all time?’
‘Pretty much since season three, we’ve been hearing, “Game of
Thrones! It’s a phenomenon!” I’ve been trying to comprehend that.
But when you’re in it, you can’t see it.
‘Now that I’m out of it, I’m only starting to realise how incredible
it was, and what a revelation it was for television. I’m like,Oh my
god, I’ve been blessed.When it’s happening, you don’t realise
you’re among greatness.
‘The people I was around; the atmosphere; the way
they worked. I was spoiled by that show completely. And
I’ll never have anything like it again. Nothing will be the same
as that. And only now am I realising that.’
Survive launches on Quibi on 6 April


Coat, £4,100, LOUIS VUITTON.
Bow, stylist’s own



with anxiety and eating disorders,


of that stuff in my family.
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