2020-03-01 Better Nutrition

(backadmin) #1

(^44) • MARCH 2020
EATING 4 HEALTH (^) * foods & meals that heal
Go with the Pros
Seven probiotic- and prebiotic-packed foods to nourish your gut,
help prevent cancer, and more
You already know
yogurt, kimchi,
and other
fermented foods
are great for gut
health, and they’re
also powerful allies
in preventing cancer.
But probiotics can’t
do it alone; they need
nourishment—and that’s
where prebiotics come in. Foods such
as burdock root, sunchokes, onions,
and barley are rich in compounds that
encourage the growth of beneficial gut
bacteria. And there’s a big benefit to
getting your prebiotics from food:
Inulin, fructooligosaccharides (FOS),
and other prebiotic compounds added
to probiotic supplements are often
chemically derived and can cause bloating,
gas, and diarrhea in their isolated form.
Feed healthy bacteria, nourish your gut,
and reduce your risk of cancer with
these seven healing foods.
Onions are high in inulin and FOS,
naturally occurring prebiotics that
feed beneficial gut bacteria and
support immune function. Onions also
contain antioxidants like quercetin, which
further reduce the risk of colon cancer
and other forms of cancer. Garlic contains
many of the same compounds as onions,
and has similar protective effects.
RECIPE TIPS: Brush halved onions with
olive oil, roast until tender, then drizzle
with balsamic vinegar and minced rose-
mary; sauté onions, garlic, red peppers,
and kale, then toss with cooked lentils.
Barley is rich in beta-glucan, a
prebiotic fiber that significantly
impacts the growth of beneficial
gut bacteria and enhances their
effectiveness. Beta-glucans also improve
immune function, reduce inflammation,
and protect against colon cancer and
other forms of cancer. Oats, shiitake
mushrooms, reishi mushrooms, and
seaweed are also high in beta-glucan.
RECIPE TIPS: Combine cooked barley
with cucumbers, red peppers, black
olives, chickpeas, and feta cheese; toss
diced, roasted root vegetables with cooked
barley, olive oil, and thyme; simmer
barley with cinnamon sticks and vanilla
beans for a hearty breakfast bowl.
Sunchokes, also called Jerusalem
artichokes, are the root that’s a
member of the sunflower family.
They are loaded with fiber, most of which
is in the form of inulin. Studies show that
sunchokes enhance beneficial gut bacteria,
and may be more effective than chicory
root, the most commonly used source of
prebiotics. Like other forms of inulin,
sunchokes also support immune function,
prevent inflammation, and protect against
colon cancer, colorectal cancer, and other
forms of cancer.
RECIPE TIPS: Thinly slice sunchokes,
toss with coconut oil, and roast until
crispy; simmer sunchokes, potatoes,
and cauliflower in broth, and purée into
a creamy soup; cube sunchokes, sweet
potatoes, and rutabagas, and sauté for
breakfast hash.
root, from a
plant related
to sunflowers, is
traditionally used
in Asian medicine
and cuisine. It’s rich
in inulin and FOS
to nourish healthy
intestinal bacteria,
improve gut health, fight
harmful bacteria, and improve immune
function. Burdock also has antioxidant
and anti-inflammatory properties, and
contains compounds that protect against
colon, breast, pancreatic, and liver cancers.
RECIPE TIPS: Cut burdock root and carrots
into matchsticks, sauté in sesame oil,
and sprinkle with tamari and black
sesame seeds; drizzle shredded burdock
root and sweet potatoes with olive oil
and garlic, roast until tender, and top
with shredded nori; simmer thinly
sliced burdock root and ginger root in
water, then strain for a healing tea.
Tempeh, made from fermented
soybeans, is high in probiotics to
support gut health and improve
immune function. It’s also loaded with
compounds that protect against colon
cancer and other forms of cancer. A high
intake of soy is linked with a reduced risk
for colorectal cancer, and in one study,
soy consumption lowered colorectal
cancer risk in women by 21 percent.
Tempeh is generally considered a better
source of soy protein than tofu. The
fermentation process breaks down phytic
acid—a compound that inhibits mineral
absorption—and other antinutrients in
soy, and creates vitamin B 12 , typically
found only in animal products.
RECIPE TIPS: Make meat-free pasta
sauce with crumbled tempeh, tomato Ph
:^ a

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