ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

110 | Chapter 3: Singleton Pattern

However, does that mean that only a single reference can be associated with the sin-

gle instance? What happens, for example, if I first create one instance with one label,

and then attempt to create another instance with a different label?

To see that a single instance can be associated with more than one reference (name

or label), some changes have to be made to the primary Singleton class. Using a sepa-

rate folder from theSingletonclass, in Example 3-4 open a new ActionScript file and

add the script in Example 3-8. Save it in the newly created folder.

Example 3-8.


public class Singleton
private var _msg:String;
private static var _instance:Singleton;
public function Singleton(pvt:PrivateClass)
public static function getInstance( ):Singleton

if(Singleton._instance == null)
Singleton._instance=new Singleton(new PrivateClass( ));
trace("Singleton instantiated");
return Singleton._instance;

//Get and set methods

public function getMsg( ):String
return _msg;
public function setMsg(alert:String):void
_msg = alert;

class PrivateClass
public function PrivateClass( ) {
trace("PrivateClass called");

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