ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1
Decorating with Deadly Sins and Heavenly Virtues | 149

Adding Properties and Methods

Up to now, we’ve used a single string variable with a single getter method for the

basic abstract component class. However, like any other class, this basic structure

can accommodate more than a single variable or function. Example 4-17 shows three

variables and getter functions. Save the script

Like the previous examples, we begin with a string property,soul. (It’s assigned a

string literal, but that’s really not necessary because it’s an abstract class and will

never be seen or used—just a clarification.) Next, two numeric properties are

defined,goodnessandvice. These two properties will collect all the accumulated

good and evil in a soul.

Next, three getter functions are supplied to get the values of the string and two

numeric variables. Now the abstract component class is all set to go.

Multiple Concrete Components

We could look at one soul at a time, but what fun is that? More important, in a lot of

applications, having a single component to decorate isn’t too useful either. So

instead of having a single soul to decorate, we’ll add two. For the time being, we’ll

forego any debates about original sin and start our souls with a clean slate. Both

goodnessandvicewill be set to zero. Just give them differentsoulvalues so they can

be differentiated.

Example 4-17.

//Abstract class
public class Component
protected var soul:String="All that is inside a spirit";
protected var goodness:Number;
protected var vice:Number;

public function getSoul( ):String
return soul;
public function good( ):Number
return goodness;
public function evil( ):Number
return vice;

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