ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

196 | Chapter 5: Adapter Pattern

The Adapter Class

Before we implement theIListDisplayinterface, a decision regarding which type of

adapter, class or object, needs to be made. The existing interface of theTextField

class is quite extensive and contains several methods that would be directly useful in

the new context. For example, theTextFieldinterface defines many properties such

asbackgroundColorandborderthat enable formatting the text field display object. In

addition, it also defines methods such assetTextFormat( )that allows formatting the

text in the field using aTextFormatobject. If theListDisplayFieldadapter is imple-

mented as a class adapter, we can benefit from less code and implementation effi-

ciency. However, if we implement ListDisplayField as a class adapter in

ActionScript 3.0 using inheritance, all the public methods and properties in

TextFieldwill be exposed. We will need to carefully override some of the methods

and properties in theTextFieldclass that allow direct manipulation of text in the

field. The adapter implementation is shown in Example 5-14.

Example 5-14.

1 package
2 {
3 import flash.text.*;
5 // Adapter
6 public class ListDisplayField extends TextField implements IListDisplay
7 {
9 private var aList:Array;
11 public function ListDisplayField( )
12 {
13 super( ); // Call the TextField constructor
14 this.clear( );
15 }
17 public function addItem(s:String):void
18 {
19 this.aList.push(s);
20 this.update( );
21 }
23 public function deleteItemAt(i:uint):Boolean
24 {
25 if ((i > 0) && (i <= aList.length)) {
26 aList.splice(i-1, 1);
27 this.update( );
28 return true;
29 } else {
30 return false;
31 }
32 }
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