ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

272 | Chapter 7: Command Pattern

Now that the utility classes have been created, we can develop the command pattern

elements for the application.

Creating a Command to Play a Podcast

The command interface will be the sameICommandclass defined in Example 7-1. The

concrete commandwill be thePlayPodcastCommandclass shown in Example 7-27. The

constructor takes two parameters, the receiver of typeRadio,and the URL of the

podcast as typeString.

Developing the Radio Receiver

Thereceiverclass shown in Example 7-28 is calledRadioand subclassesSprite.It

uses theTextDisplayFieldclass (see Example 7-26) from the previously developed

utilspackage to display a text field to show the currently playing podcast item (lines

20-21). TheaudioDisplayproperty references the text field. In addition, it declares a

static property calledaudioChannelof typeSoundChannel(line 15). The reason the

sound channel is declared asstaticis to make sure that only one podcast plays at a

var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat("Verdana");
format.size = fontSize;

Example 7-27.

class PlayPodcastCommand implements ICommand
var receiver:Radio;
var podCastURL:String;

public function PlayPodcastCommand(rec:Radio, url:String):void
this.receiver = rec;
this.podCastURL = url;

public function execute( ):void

Example 7-26. (continued)

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