ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

274 | Chapter 7: Command Pattern

Push Button Invokers for the Radio

TheControlButtonsclass shown in Example 7-29 is identical to theInvokerPanel

class (Example 7-15) discussed previously. The only difference is that now the

TextButtonclass has to be imported from theutilspackage. Its main function is to

hold push button instances and command objects associated with them, and exe-

cute the corresponding command when a button’s clicked.

44 var url = xml..item[0].enclosure.attribute("url");
45 // load audio and play
46 var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
47 var audio:Sound = new Sound( );
48 audio.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, loadError);
49 audio.load(request);
50 audioChannel.stop( ); // stop previous audio
51 audioChannel = );
52 }
54 private function loadError(event:Event):void
55 {
56 trace("Load error " + event);
57 }
58 }
59 }

Example 7-29.

import flash.display.;
import utils.*;

class ControlButtons extends Sprite
var commandList:Array;
var buttonList:Array;

public function ControlButtons( )
this.commandList = new Array(5);
this.buttonList = new Array(5);

public function setCommand(nSlot:int, c:ICommand):void
this.commandList[nSlot] = c;

public function setButton(nSlot:int, sName:String):void

Example 7-28.

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