ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1
Extended Example: Dynamic Command Object Assignment | 277

objects to the podcast radio station buttons based on the state of the application, or,

in this case, the selected podcast genre.

The DynamicControlButtons class, shown in Example 7-31, extends the

ControlButtonsclass from Example 7-29. It keeps track of the selected genre in the

propertycurrentGenre(line 7). The two podcast genres are defined by the static con-

stantsNEWSandMUSIC(lines 5-6). It also declares and initializes two arrays (lines 9-10)

to hold the command objects assigned to the news and music genres for the three

station buttons.

ThesetGenre( )method sets the genre by setting thecurrentGenreproperty (lines 18-

27). ThesetGenreCommand( )method (lines 29-38) assigns the passed commands to

the two arrays that hold the news and music command objects. After any changes to

the state of the application, theupdateCommandButtons( )method is called to dynami-

cally assign the command objects for the chosen genre to the station buttons (posi-

tions 1-3 on thecommandList array).

Figure 7-6. Podcast radio with music and news genre buttons

Example 7-31.

1 package
2 {
3 class DynamicControlButtons extends ControlButtons
4 {
5 public static const NEWS:uint = 0;
6 public static const MUSIC:uint = 1;
7 var currentGenre:uint = NEWS;
9 var newsPodcastCommands:Array;
10 var musicPodcastCommands:Array;
12 public function DynamicControlButtons( )
13 {
14 this.newsPodcastCommands = new Array(3);
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