ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

290 | Chapter 8: Observer Pattern

this all work right is the use of an array to hold the subscribing observers, and a dis-

tribution method for broadcasting the current state.

Subject Interface

All we need for theSubjectinterface are three methods to take care of the subscrip-

tion and notification work. Because all of the functions in an interface construct are

abstract, we don’t have a lot of detail to address. However, we’ve got to be careful to

be sure that all the necessary parts are in place. Example 8-5 shows the script to be


In the first two functions, you’ll see evidence ofcomposition. The “o” parameter is an

Observerdatatype, which is a reference to another interface that’ll be built as part of

the Observer design pattern. If you look at the diagram in Figure 8-2, you’ll see an

arrow from the abstractSubjectto the abstractObserver. That reference to the

Observer datatype is part of the process that uses composition rather than


Observer Interface

TheObserverinterface is deceptively simple. The singleupdate( )function is actually

part of the composition between theObserverandSubjectstructures. However, we

see the composition only when we look at the connection between the concrete

observer and subject through theupdate( )supertype in theObserverinterface. Save

the code in Example 8-6as

Example 8-5.

//Subject Interface
public interface Subject
function subscribeObserver(o:Observer):void;
function unsubscribeObserver(o:Observer):void;
function notifyObserver( ):void;

Example 8-6.

//Observer Interface
public interface Observer
function update(light:String):void;

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