ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

310 | Chapter 8: Observer Pattern

You have set up all the classes and objects you’ll need for the stage. Check your

Library panel to be sure you have the following movie clips:

  • Alien

  • Android

  • Beam

  • bullet

  • Earthling

  • Missile

  • projectile

  • Torpedo

Those objects beginning with capital letters are classes and those beginning with

lowercase letters are objects belonging to one of the classes.

Writing a Change Handler

In creating something to change conditions and send messages to the “Earthling,”

“Alien,” and “Android,” you need to use your imagination a bit. If an opponent’s

projectile or the beam from the Android hits either the Alien or Earthling, its hit total

Figure 8-5. Android shooting a beam at the Earthling and Alien ships

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