ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

318 | Chapter 8: Observer Pattern

To make the task more manageable and reusable, all the display outputs are orga-

nized into separate classes. We decided that the data would represent quarterly

reports, and so the application is set up to accept four numeric values, each repre-

senting quarterly values. Also, to make the whole process of outputting data more

manageable, we have introduced a third interface along with the Subject and

Observerinterfaces. This interface is set up so that it returns an array. The array will

contain the four numeric values representing the four quarters. To get started, open

up three ActionScript files, and copy the three files in Example 8-20, Example 8-21,

and Example 8-22 into each of the files. Save the interface files using the caption

names in the same folder.

Other than the newDataOutinterface, the other two are similar to those you’ve seen

elsewhere in this chapter. The four quarterly numeric values mentioned can be seen

in theObserver interface.

Example 8-20.

//Subject Interface
public interface Subject
function subscribeObserver(o:Observer):void;
function unsubscribeObserver(o:Observer):void;
function notifyObserver( ):void;

Example 8-21.

//Observer Interface
public interface Observer
function update(q1:Number,q2:Number,q3:Number,q4:Number):

Example 8-22.

//Data Output Interface
public interface DataOut
function outToDesign( ):Array;

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