ActionScript 3.0 Design Patterns

(Chris Devlin) #1

362 | Chapter 10: State Pattern

For example, with a two-state machine (Play and Stop), the following pseudocode

could direct the state behavior to start playing the video, depending on the state

machine’s current state.

function doPlay( ):void {
if(state == Play)
trace("You're already playing.");
else if (state == Stop)
trace("Go to the Play state.");

With a couple of states that’s not too difficult. However, as you add states, things get

more complicated and you find a sea of conditional statements that have to all work

in sync. The alternative is to set up “contextual” behavior using a State pattern. For

example, the following code in Example 10-1 has two different objects with different

implementations of behaviors from an interface:

Example 10-1.

interface State
function startPlay( ):void;
function stopPlay( ):void;
//Play State object
class PlayState implements State
public function startPlay( ):void
trace("You're already playing");
public function stopPlay( ):void
trace("Go to the Stop state.");
//Stop State object
class StopState implements State
public function startPlay( ):void
trace("Go to the Play state.");
public function stopPlay( ):void
trace("You're already stopped");

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