Contributors 213
Paul W. Homer
Paul W. Homer is a software developer, writer, and occasional
photographer, who was drawn into software development several
decades ago and has been struggling ever since with trying to
build increasingly complex systems. His experience includes in-
house, consulting, and commercial development from a diverse array of con-
current posisions including analyst, architect, programmer, manager, and
even—foolishly—CTO. He is willing to play any role that is focused on getting
systems built and released.
Over the last few years, he has turned more of his attention toward commu-
nicating with his fellow developers, including a self-published book, blogging,
and way too much commenting in the hopes of helping an industry rationalize
itself and reach new heights.
“Simplicity Comes from Reduction,” page 150
Pete Goodliffe
Pete Goodliffe is a software developer, columnist, speaker, and
author who never stays at the same place in the software food chain.
He’s worked in numerous languages on diverse projects. He also
teaches and mentors programmers, and writes the regular “Profes-
sionalism in Programming” column for ACCU’s CVu magazine (
Pete’s popular book, Code Craft (No Starch Press), is a practical and entertain-
ing investigation of the entire programming pursuit. Pete enjoys writing excel-
lent, bug-free code, so he can spend more time having fun with his kids. He
has a passion for curry and doesn’t wear shoes.
“Don’t Ignore That Error!,” page 52
“Improve Code by Removing It,” page 78
“You Gotta Care About the Code,” page 192
Peter Sommerlad
Peter Sommerlad is professor and head of the Institute for Soft-
ware at HSR Rapperswil. Peter is coauthor of Pattern-Oriented
Software Architecture, Volume 1, and Security Patterns (both
Wiley). His long-term goal is to make software simpler through
decremental development: refactoring software down to 10% of its size with
better architecture, testability, quality, and functionality.
“Only the Code Tells the Truth,” page 124