(^118) 97 Things Every Project Manager Should Know
Building the Morale on Your Team
David Bock
Reston, Virginia, U.S.
A MAjoR RolE FoR ThE SoFTWARE PRojECT MAnAgER is to create a
work environment that fosters the growth of team morale. Here are some tips
to help you start that process:
• Give your team some control over the direction of the project. Do you
talk with your team frequently? Do you regularly seek out its input? Can
someone make a suggestion, or bring a complaint to you, and feel like you
will actively work to effect a change because of it?
• Defend your team against “the bureaucracy.” Every organization has its
share of rules, and one of your jobs is to apply them in context. “In con-
text” means that, when appropriate, you will defend your team.
When a corporate memo comes out with rules banning cubicle decora-
tions, will you argue with management so Bill can keep his Rubik’s cube
collection on display? Even if you lose, the team’s morale will benefit.
• Look for ways to improve the work environment. I knew an engineer
who worked in a cubicle next to a window. But, according to the com-
pany organizational chart, he didn’t warrant a window office. Corporate
solution? The cubicles were reconfigured so that the window in his work-
space was blocked. Rather than argue with the “furniture police,” a good
manager would be the first person to start moving those cubicle walls to
uncover that window.
• Make your team feel like a team. One team had a Player of the Week award
that changed hands at the team meeting each week. Russ might say, “I’m
giving Mary the team player award because she worked late Thursday
night. I was late getting her the documentation, but thanks to her efforts,
we still finished the iteration Friday morning.” The next week, Mary would
recognize another team member’s contribution and pass along the award.