Vote for the King
In The North!
I don’t come from the privileged south. I know
what a cold winter feels like – I grew up in
Winterfell, and I served the Night’s Watch loyally
until my death, which I have since fully recovered
from. I am fi t and ready to defend the Seven
Kingdoms from the real threat to our borders:
The White Walkers. Cersei Lannister would have
you believe that they are a myth, but I have faced
them myself more than once, and lost many good
men and women to them.
Yes, I’m just a poor bastard, and yes, my sister
is basically running the North these days, but I’m
honest and I’m good with a sword. I might not
know who my mother is, but I know who I am,
and that’s a right tough northern bastard. So if
you’re sick of elitist ruling Houses, vote for me. At
least I’m not just another entitled Targaryen.
Vote for the King
Is Sansa the new Queen in
the North? Could be a threat.
Sister rumoured to have
murdered Lord Baelish.
Dear Jon, I’ve reached Winterfell and I’ve
met your family (you’ll be surprised by how
much Bran has changed!). Got some pretty
big news for you. Can you stop by some time
soon for a chat?
Raven intercepted
between Winterfell and
Jon Snow. Who is Sam?
What is this news?
Cersei, I have received word that a young
man by the name of Gendry has been seen
using a warhammer with remarkable skill, and
has been said to bear a striking resemblance
to King Robert. He seems to be allied to Jon
Snow. Thought you should know. Yours, Qyburn.