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Confronting Your A nx iety 93

to interrupt these thought processes and learn to think more
accurately about your experience (Treanor 2011).

Outsmarting Anxiety Skill #2:
Confront, rather than avoid, your anxiety.

Suggested Practices

First, here are some tips for confronting your anxiety, to
guide you as you practice exposing yourself to objects and
situations that you fear:

  • Set an achievable goal that identifies a fear you
    wish to overcome (for example, “I want to target
    my fear of heights by riding over a tall bridge”).

  • Develop an exposure plan (listing all the aspects
    of your goal, from least to most frightening) with
    graduated steps, to help you slowly confront your
    a n x iet y.

  • Remember, exposures can include both imaginal
    (thinking about a feared object or situation in
    your head) and in vivo components.

  • Rate your level of distress and anxiety (for
    example, on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 repre-
    senting no distress and 10 representing signifi-
    cant distress) before, during, and after each step
    of the exposure plan.

  • Eliminate safety nets, or ways of coping that make
    your anxiety easier to manage (such as using sub-
    stances, people, or various distractions).

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