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32 Don’t Let A nxiety Run Your Life

reception; and you feel a constant dread. On the day of the
wedding , right before the reception, you feel as if you might
panic and notice you have hives on your face and upper
body. Fear or Anxiety?

While preparing dinner after a long day of work, you notice
a mouse scurry by your feet in the kitchen. A fter a split
second, you realize you have jumped up on the kitchen
counter and are screaming rather loudly. A lthough you no
longer see the mouse, you remain on the counter until you
can call for help from a neighbor, friend, or family member.
Fear or Anxiety?

For as long as you can remember, you have been a chronic
worrier. On any given day, you find it hard to concentrate
on your work, you feel restless or full of nervous energy, and
you find it increasingly difficult to fall asleep at night. Your
symptoms seem to be highly associated with your worries,
which are excessively focused on your health, your family’s
health, your finances, and even the state of the world. Fear
or Anxiety?

A nswers: 1. Fear; 2. A nxiety; 3. Fear; 4. A nxiety

The Components of A nx iety

Anxiety generally falls into one of two categories.
Tra n s i t o r y anxiety is characterized by moments of tempo-
rary anxiety, such as in response to an impending event or
something in your environment. Imagine an Olympic
athlete who, moments before his or her name is called or
even days before the games begin, experiences intense
anxiety due to the enormous pressure of the event.

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