My Social Book 2022

(Jon and Robyn PatersonIMUeFf) #1

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

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Tuesday, May 10th, 7:15 AM


Yesterday was an unusually cold day for May. We haven’t needed

to have the fire on for weeks so the kittens have not seen it in use.

They were mesmerized by the flames. I had just put it on at this

point so the metal was still cold. They soon moved back and laid

on the chairs to enjoy the warmth and flickering flames.

Cheryl Tyler MooreDarby runs to watch our
fireplace light up the minute he hears the click.
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Faye FigueroaCurious little ones!!❤ 1
Katie KruegerLove this! It’s been really cold in
Bend. Lots of snow flurries still. Jaxson has had
many evenings snuggled in front of Caleb’s fire殺
 1

Jennifer MayoToo adorable  1
Beverly HuffmanSuch a pretty scene Jon. The
kitties think so too. 1
Amanda StaffordGhost loves the fireplace. He
lays as close as he can tolerate to it for hours.
Now that the weather is nice, the fireplace has
been replaced by a sunspot for daily sunbathing.
 1

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Tuesday, May 10th, 12:15 PM


When I said I was going to fill the

dishwasher this isn’t exactly what I had

in mind.

Mantis HillMethinks you have a bunch of the cutest
troublemaker monkeys masquerading as kittens!! 1
Faye FigueroaThey are the most curious of kittens and
cats!!!! Love Bengals ❤❤ 1
David MalcomSo funny, our Bengals think the dishes is a
toy also. 1
Sherry ForkumAnd yet another why answered! Neither
Freja nor Floki can resist getting in the dishwasher, filled or
not! Gee, thanks a lot Jon! 

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Sunday, May 15th, 9:08 AM
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