
(coco) #1

You pored over vintage magazines to help prep for your

role as ’50s housewife-turned-comedian Midge Maisel.
What was the most ridiculous story you read? “There
were all these advertisements with doctors promoting

cigarettes! I got so freaked out. The other day I was
thinking about what the equivalent will be 30 years

from now. Probably something really mundane like
kale; we’re all going to be like, ‘I can’t believe all
t hose hea lt h a nd beaut y blog s told us to eat ka le!’”

What was the beauty content like? “There were
quite a few images of women sleeping with their
husbands next to them, lying in beautiful beds

with these beautiful linens—and all the women
had make-up on. All of them. Unabashedly. And

I was like, ‘That! That’s where Midge’s routine
of waking up in the middle of the night to put on
make-up came from.’ She was seeing what the ideal

woman looked like and was trying to emulate that.”
You just signed on as a Cetaphil spokeswoman. Do you
have any skincare rituals of your own? “ I have rea lly

sensitive skin, so I can’t have a 12-step routine or
cha nge up my product s ever y f ive mi nutes. And
when I’m working, I wear so much make-up that my

skin is constantly on the verge of being irritated. So
I simplif y. In the morning I use Cetaphil Gentle Skin

Cleanser, Vintner’s Daughter serum and SPF. I’ve
a lso been seei ng aest het icia n Joa n na Va rga s i n New
York City for facials. She’s so good. Even though her

treatments feel like a total skin reset, they’re still
very gentle and leave my skin glowy and my lymph
nodes drained. Lying in her LED bed is kind of like

meditating with a lot of red lights on. And I’m sure
it’s doing something great for my insides.”

You’ve changed your hair colour a lot lately. “If it ’s for
a job, I’ll try anything. But I actually [went back to
my natural blonde] recently for a film called I’m Your

Wo ma n. My hair was dyed so dark, I didn’t know how
long it wou ld t a ke to lif t it back. Tr y i ng never to play

the same character twice has given me a good
excuse to change up my look a lot.”
Midge Maisel’s dark brown hair is such a signature.

Does being blonde help you stay incognito? “Definitely.
But I think it’s more that I’m walking around in jeans,
sneakers and a T-shirt with little to no make-up on.

I’m relatively incognito without the signature
lipstick-dress-heels combo.”

Do you have any beauty regrets? “I tend not to believe
in regret in any part of my life. I had a moment
where I really loved raccoon eyeliner when I

was, like, 12. Not a regret, but I have learnt
never to do that again.” —DIANNA MAZZONE

1 Vintner’s Daughter Active Botanical Serum, $269.95; at
thelaborganics.com.au 2 Ilia Colour Block High Impact Lipstick
in Grenadine, $43; at mecca.com.au 3 Cetaphil Gentle Skin
Cleanser, $11/250ml; at chemistwarehouse.com.au 4 Olaplex
No. 6 Bond Smoother, $49.95; olaplex.com.au





Premiere of
Beautiful Creatures,

An evening with WGN
America’s Manhattan,
Beverly Hills

Premiere of
The Finest Hours,

70th Emmy
Los Angeles

71st Emmy
Los Angeles






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