The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [xxii–xxvi]^

  1. Among the most prominent examples: the Vasily Mitrokhin Archive (MA) and Aleksandr
    Vassiliev’s Notebooks, published by the Woodrow Wilson Center (http://digitalarchive.

  2. Shimon Golan, Decision Making of Israeli High Command in Yom Kippur War, Tel Aviv:
    Ma’arakhot (IDF publishing ) and Modan, 2013, and Oren, History, “clarify” (both on
    p. 4) that the: “IDF documents that this book rests upon are internal documents which
    are not necessarily open for study to the general public.”

  3. Many of these, which were first published in DR, are cited here from subsequent and more
    easily accessible publications, particularly FRUS and SAR.

  4. In the most flagrant case, FRUS J-XIX, no. 75, of which no content, nor even a title, date
    or origin is reproduced, we concluded that such a non-document could have been included
    only as a veiled protest by the editors at excessive sanitizing. One of the editors confirmed
    to us that this was indeed their intent. Isabella Ginor and Gideon Remez, “Too Little, Too
    Late: The CIA and US Counteraction of the Soviet Initiative in the Six-Day War,”
    Intelligence and National Security, 26, 2–3 (2011), p. 302n41–2.

  5. SAR, English (Geyer and Selvage) and Russian (Lavrov) editions.

  6. Pikhoya, Sovetsky Soyuz, p. 652.

  7. Isabella Ginor and Gideon Remez, Foxbats over Dimona: The Soviets’ Nuclear Gamble in
    the Six-Day War, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007, pp. 3–4, 50–1.

  8. Lawrence Stone, untitled 1985 lecture in Douglas Greenberg and Stanley Katz (eds), The
    Life of Learning, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994, p. 24.

  9. Schecter and Schecter, Sacred Secrets, pp. 171–2.

  10. Pikhoya, Sovetsky Soyuz, pp. 647–8.

  11. Karyukin, “Kak Soyuz Izrail’ nakazyval”; emphasis added.

  12. Col. Boris Syromyatnikov, “‘Shestidnevnoy voyny’ moglo ne byt’,” Voenno-Promyshlenny
    Kur’er, 28 (25 July 2007), p. 9,

  13. A. Smirnov, “‘Operatsiya ‘Kavkaz’: V gushche sobytiy,” in M.S. Meyer et al. (eds), Togda
    v Egipte, Moscow: Moscow State University and Council of Veterans of Combat Operations
    in Eg ypt, 2001, pp. 36–7.

  14. “Egipet: Neizvestnaya voyna,” Sputnik, January 1991.

  15. B. Zhayvoronok, “Vozvrashchenie k proshlomu,” in V.Z. Safonov et al. (eds), Grif “sekretno”
    snyat, Moscow: Council of Veterans of Hostilities in Eg ypt, 1998, p. 45.

  16. Maj.-Gen. Artem Khandanyan, “Zharkoe nebo Egipta,” VKO,
    lioteka/zharkoe-nebo-egipta, referring to the same year. A career politruk, then a colonel,
    he served as the 18th Division’s chief political officer in Eg ypt in 1971–2.

  17. N. Solov’eva, “Poyushchy general,” Metrostroyevets, 3, 13077, 24 January 2003, http:// The “singing general” is Viktor Kutsenko; see
    Chapter 30.

  18. “Spravka-kontekst o veteranakh lokal’nykh voyn v SSSR,”, 16 October 2002;
    text of law and list of recognized combat operations,

  19. An applicant from Kazakhstan waited a year and a half, and once he received the certifi-

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