The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [24–26]^

  1. “Zabvenye korablya ‘Voronezhsky Komsomolets’ na nashey sovesti,” Kommuna (Voronezh),
    20 May 2005,

  2. Col. V[alery] Mallin, “Boevye sluzhby baltiyskoy morskoy pekhoty,” website of the Baltic
    Fleet marines, A similar account by Mallin, “V rya-
    dakh morskoy pekhoty,” was published in Morskaya Pekhota in 1997 and reproduced in
    abridged form in Filonik, Komandirovka, pp. 143–51.

  3. Kimche, Last Option, pp. 11–12. He cites “Admiral Fahmy,” apparently Mahmud Abdel
    Rahman Fahmy, who became commander of the Eg yptian Navy in 1969.

  4. “A. Smirnov,” Arabo-Izrails’skie voyny, Moscow: Veche, 2003, p. 298, http://militera.lib.
    ru/h/smirnov_ai/index.html; Boris Krokhin, “Dubl: Kak dva molodykh rossiyskikh ley-
    tenanta byli ochevidtsami egipetsko-izrail’skoy voyny,”
    ble.html. Eg ypt’s Home Guard was formally organized only after an Israeli raid in November

  5. CIA Directorate of Intelligence, “Arab–Israeli Situation Report,” 2 July 1967, http://

  6. Yitzhak Rabin, with Dov Goldstein, Pinqas sherut, Tel Aviv: Ma’ariv, 1979, 1:209. Moshe
    D a y a n’s Story of My Life, Jerusalem: Edanim, 1976, omits the incident.

  7. Hassan al-Badri et al., The Ramadan War, Dunn Loring, VA: T.N. Dupuy, 1978, pp. 15–16.

  8. Alieddin Hilal, “Triumph of the Will” and Gihan Shahine, “From Suez to Shanty Towns,”
    Al-Ahram Weekly On-line, 8–14 October 1998,
    oct20.htm and; Ibrahim Nafie, “The
    October Generation,” Al-Ahram Weekly On-line, 15–21 October 1998, http://weekly.

  9. AP, quoting MENA, “Eg yptians Order Consulates Closed,” Morning Record (Meriden,
    CT), 30 June 1967, p. 11.

  10. Lyutkin, “40 let nazad ...”

  11. CIA, “Arab–Israeli Situation Report,” 2 July 1967.

  12. Lashchenko, “Zapiski,” p. 45, puts the second arrival of his delegation on 11 July; Brezhnev
    puts its departure on 10 July, indicating a routine stopover in Hungary.

  13. Shmu’el Segev, Ma’ariv, 22 June 1967, p. 3. Two Eg yptian commando battalions were
    flown to Jordan before the war and positioned in the West Bank for a mission against
    Israeli airfields, which failed with the loss of most of their personnel. Oren, Six Days,
    p. 203.

  14. Eli Landau, Ma’ariv, 2 July, pp. 1, 3, and 3 July 1967, p. 3. Maj.-Gen. Evgeny Malashenko,
    Vspominaya sluzhbu v armii, Moscow: General Staff, 2003, p. 281.

  15. Israeli Foreign Ministry research department, “Ha-hadirah ha-Sovietit la-Mizrah ha-Tik-
    hon,” 7 June 1970, ISA HZ-4605/2, p. 16.

  16. Egorin, “Iz-pod arabskoy zheltoy kaski,” p. 22.

  17. Youssef H. Aboul-Enein, “Learning and Rebuilding a Shattered Force: Memoirs of Pre-
    Yom Kippur War Eg yptian Generals, 1967–1972,” Strategic Insights, IV, 3 (March 2005), The article is a review and summary of
    Mohammed Al-Jawadi, Fee Eikaab Al-Naksah, Cairo: Dar-Al-Khiyal Press, 2001.

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