The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [46–48]^

Hadas to Ze’ev Dover, West Europe Department, Foreign Ministry, 12 December 1967,
ISA HZ 4049/6; emphasis added.

  1. Editorial note, FRUS J-XIX, no. 541. The Russian language has no definite article, and
    thus is inherently ambiguous; the UN Russian translation did not specify “all.” Shabtai
    Rosenne, “On Multi-lingual Interpretation,” Israel Law Review, 6 (1971), http://www.

  2. Mohammed Al-Gawady, Al-Shaheed (the martyr) Abdel-Moneim Riad, Cairo: Dar-Al-
    Atebaa, 1984, cited in Youssef H. Aboul-Enein, “Eg yptian General Abdel-Moneim Riad:
    The Creation of an Adaptive Military Thinker,” Infantry Magazine (March–April 2004), yptian+General+Abdel-Moneim+Riad%3A+the+c

  3. Danny Shalom, Phantoms over Cairo: Israeli Air Force in the War of Attrition 1967–1970,
    Rishon le-Zion: Bavir, 2007, vol. 1, pp. 131–4; military correspondent, Davar, 3 December
    1967, pp. 1–2; Ma’ariv, 3 December 1967, p. 2.

  4. The Vautour pilot Aki Artzi’s widow Ya’el describes this incident and her efforts to estab-
    lish his fate in her book Missing in Action, Tel Aviv: Miskal, 2001. She confirmed to the
    present authors that the other helmet was washed up later on the Israeli-held shore of the
    gulf. Both were unfastened, indicating that they had been taken off either by the airmen
    themselves or by others.

  5. Jewish Observer and Near East Review (8 December 1967).

  6. Col. G. P. Roshchin, “1962 god, Egipet,” on (now inaccessible). In
    2011, Steven A. Cook claimed retrospectively that “although he perfected his Russian,
    the two years in the Soviet Union were not happy ones for Mubarak, who disliked his
    Russian instructors and colleagues, derided Soviet-built military equipment, and openly
    criticized Communism.” Steven A. Cook, The Struggle for Eg ypt: From Nasser to Tahrir
    Square, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, p. 156. If he harbored such sentiments in
    1967–73, no contemporary reports or veterans’ memoirs reflect it, and several examples
    to the contrary follow.

  7. Rubtsov, memoir.

  8. Anatoly Z. Egorin, “Zapiski korrespondenta APN,”

  9. Pavel Mel’nik, “Zvezdy nad Nilom: Kak eto bylo,” Aviapanorama, 2 (200), http://www. In addition to his father, Mel’nik interviewed
    Gennady Kvakin, another co-pilot of the same rank. Both later rose to Lt-Col.

  10. K.C.Thaler, UPI London, “SU Widens Its Aid to Eg yptians,” Times-News (Henderson,
    NC), 7 December 1967, p. 3.

  11. “Memorandum for the Record: Meeting with Brigadier General Mordecai Hod,” 13 January
    1968, IRISNUM no. 01024071. Released by USAF at authors’ request, 6 April 2012.

  12. Dov Sattat, acting director, East Europe Department Foreign Ministry, to Hadas,
    7 December 1967, ISA HZ-4049/6. Sattat allowed that the Soviets might not appreciate
    adequately that they were encouraging the Arabs toward acts that might endanger peace.

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