The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [79–80]^

  1. Shmu’el Segev, Ma’ariv, 16 September 1969, p. 9.

  2. Dishon et al., Middle East Record 1968, pp. 263–7.

  3. V.I. Popov, “Desantnye korabli osvaivayut Sredizemnoye more,” Taifun, February 2002,
    p. 45, cited in Lyle J. Goldstein and Yury M. Zhukov, “A Tale of Two Fleets: A Russian
    Perspective on the 1973 Naval Standoff in the Mediterranean,” Naval War College Review,
    57, 2 (Spring 2004), pp. 49, 62n154,
    GoldsteinZhukov_NWCR.pdf. Popov’s account of a landing, if correct, apparently refers
    to events preceding the incident on 30 January. On 25 January, a “friendly visit” to Port
    Said by a Soviet cruiser, destroyer and landing vessel was announced by MENA, after
    Western agencies reported the ships’ passage through the Turkish straits. Reuters and AFP,
    Davar, 26 January 1968, p. 1. Throughout the month, there were Eg yptian warnings that
    Israel might intervene to prevent the extrication of ships from the northern sector of the
    canal (political correspondent, Davar, 4 January 1968, p. 1), but there is no record of an
    actual Israeli advance.

  4. Davar, 4 July 1968, p. 1; Jay Bushinsky, Chicago News, “Mysterious Soviet Dredge,” Daily
    Freeman (Kingston, NY), 11 July 1968, p. 4; Lawrence Martin, The Spectator, translated
    in Ma’ariv, 9 October 1968, p. 9.

  5. “The Middle East: Restraint Running Out?,” Time, 8 November 1968, http://www.time.

  6. Political correspondent, Davar; Uri Dann, Ma’ariv, both 18 June 1968, p. 1.

  7. Eric Pace, “Cairo Is Said to Favor Israeli Use of Canal if Troops Pull Back,” NYT, 9 July
    1968, p. 1.

  8. “The Middle East: Restraint Running Out?”

  9. Chaim Herzog, Ma’ariv, 13 October 1968, p. 10.

  10. Wolfgang Behrends, NATO Department head, West German Foreign Ministry, quoted
    in Hadas to Research Department, Foreign Ministry, 26 January 1968, ISA HZ-4095/20.

  11. Alvin J. Cottrell, “Yahasei Mitzrayim-Brit ha-Mo’atzot,” Ma’arakhot, 208 ( July 1970),
    pp. 22–3; translated from the US Army’s Military Review;

  12. Cottrell in Daly, Soviet Sea Power, p. 120.

  13. Adm. Elmo R. Zumwalt, On Watch: A Memoir, New York: Quadrangle, 1976,
    pp. 361–8.

  14. “The Suez Canal,” vice director of the Joint Staff (Freeman) to Secretary of Defense Laird,
    1 May 1971, FRUS N-XXIV, no. 30.

  15. Zumwalt, On Watch, pp. 367–8.

  16. Marshall I. Goldman, “The Oil Crisis: In Perspective,” Daedalus (Fall 1975),
    pp. 129–43.

  17. This widely reproduced claim (e.g., Peter Mangold, Superpower Intervention in the Middle
    East, London: Croom Helm, 1978, p. 136n37) is based on a report in CSM, 25 September

  18. Department of State to the embassy in Jordan, 9 February 1973, FRUS N-XXV, no. 15.

  19. George Weller, Chicago Daily News Service, “Soviets Want Suez Reopened to Link
    Powerful Naval Units,” Herald-Statesman (Yonkers, NY), 16 October 1968, p. 37.

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