The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [114–116]^

  1. V[ladimir] Vinogradov, “Sovetskie voiny v Egipte,” in Safonov et al., Grif, p. 11; “K isto-
    rii Sovetsko-Egipetskikh otnosheny,” in Meyer et al., To g d a, pp. 14–15.

  2. See, e.g., 18th Air Defense Division’s history webpage,
    html#12.69, which dates the visit to early December and Grechko’s order to commence
    Kavkaz later the same month; Zolotarev, Rossiya, p. 189; Gen. Aleksey Smirnov, inter-
    viewed in Andrey Pochtarev, “Kak podrezali kryl’ya fantomam,” Krasnaya Zvezda,
    14 January 2000; Col. Konstantin Popov, in Aleksey Galanin, “Boi nad piramidani,”
    Shchelkovo Vremya (Russia), 19 December 2007; Valery Yaremenko, “Sovetsko-egipetskoe
    voennoe sotrudnichestvo nakanune i v khode oktyabr’skoy voyny 1973 goda,” in Vartanov
    et al., Rukopozhatie, p. 44. For additional sources and a detailed discussion, see Ginor,
    “Arab Helmet.”

  3. Isaenko, “Eta vera,” a review of Kubersky’s “novel” Egipet-69.

  4. Kubersky, Egipet-69, Part 1.

  5. Col. Asher Snir, “Boom al-qoli be-Qahir,” Heyl ha-Avir (IAF magazine), 54 (November
    1986), pp. 12–15. Snir led the pair that was sent north of Cairo to overfly the nuclear
    reactor and air base at Inshas.

  6. For example, “a pair of IAF Mirages ... flew over Nasser’s Cairo home and Cairo-West air-
    port, creating sonic booms ... Nasser was embarrassed and angry.” Benny Morris, Righteous
    Victims: A History of the Zionist–Arab Conflict, 1881–1999, New York: Knopf, 1999,
    p. 350. “They were flying to photograph installations around Cairo, and to shake the cap-
    ital with a sonic boom ... to deter the Eg yptians.” Col. Eliezer Cohen, Israel’s Best Defense:
    The First Full Story of the Israeli Air Force, New York: Crown, 1993, p. 27.

  7. Shalom, Phantoms, vol. 1, pp. 273–6. Col. Yury Makarenko, who in 1972 (as a major)
    commanded a spetsnaz radio-technical detachment in the top-secret Mt Muqatem facil-
    ity, describes it as built underground in an artificially deepened crater. His outfit’s func-
    tion was to monitor and disrupt IDF signals; in 2008, he preferred not to discuss its equip-
    ment and capabilities. Interviewed in Meyden, “Na rasstoyanii.”

  8. UPI, London, “Unprecedented Reconnaissance,” News-Sentinel (Lodi, CA), 28 June 1969,
    p. 2.

  9. “Nasser has replaced the top two Eg yptian Air Force officers, apparently in a move to
    improve standards.” Paul Kidd, “Cairo Today,” Montreal Gazette, 19 June 1969; “It was
    probably the Hamadi [air] raid [on 30 April] which led to the [dismissal of ] two key EAF
    officers.” Francis Ofner, Tel Aviv, “Semiwar,” CSM, 26 June 1969, p. 1.

  10. NYT Service, Beirut, “Israeli Planes Buzz Cairo, Draw No Eg yptian Reaction,” Spokesman-
    Review (Spokane), 30 June 1969, p. 12; UPI, “Mideast Clashes pose New Crisis,” citing
    “Cairo reports,” Press (Pittsburgh), 23 June 1969, p. 38.

  11. Mikhail Zhirokhov, “Soviet Pilots in Eg ypt,” Aero Historian, 38, 12 (December 2004),
    p. 6, A history of
    Arab air forces doubts that the sonic boom affair caused Hinnawy’s ouster: “[his] period
    as commander, focusing ... on reorganization and intensive training, had come to a close,
    and he was replaced by an aggressive leader.” Nicolle and Cooper, Arab MiG Units, p. 2.

  12. “Air Defense Forces Historical Background.”

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