The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [167–173]^

  1. Military correspondent, Ma’ariv, 6 May 1970, p. 18.

  2. Zhirokhov, Rozhdennye Voynoy, Chapter 6. He apparently misdates this operation: Israel
    reported an auxiliary naval vessel sunk and a landing craft damaged by Eg yptian frogmen
    on 7 February 1970. Zhirokhov appears to suggest that the Soviets would never attack a
    civilian ship, which is borne out by Kryshtob, below. In a previous raid on Eilat on
    16 November 1969, two merchant ships (claimed by the Eg yptians as naval) were

  3. Ma’ariv, 26 July 1970, p. 3.

  4. Shalom, Phantoms, vol. 2, p. 1011. A Soviet rear-admiral’s pennant was spotted on a land-
    ing vessel in Port Said on 10 June; [Shimshon] Arad, Israeli embassy, The Hague, to Foreign
    Ministry, 18 June 1970. Jerusalem responded that the officer might have come to survey
    the bombing damage. Yosef Hadas, Research Department, to Hague embassy, 19 June
    1970, both in ISA HZ-4605/2.

  5. Zak, Forty Years’ Dialogue, p. 177. As 7 June was a Sunday when there are no plenary
    Knesset sessions, Eban’s statement must have been made to the closed Defense and Foreign
    Affairs Committee. It was not reported in the next day’s press. Evidently to sidestep cen-
    sorship, on Tuesday Zak alluded in his column (Ma’ariv, 9 June 1970, p. 9) to such a warn-
    ing over an incident in “an Eg yptian harbor” and wrote that “Israel published nothing
    about it, trying to make the Russians understand we are not interested in a confrontation
    with them.” Dayan’s 1975 statement is quoted on p. 180.

  6. Palit, Return to Sinai, p. 14.

  7. SAR, no. 60, p. 152n1.

  8. SAR, no. 62, p. 157n7.

  9. SAR, no. 59 and no. 60n2, pp. 148–9, 152.

  10. Kissinger, White House Years, p. 577.

  11. SAR, no. 62, pp. 156–7.

  12. SAR, no. 59, pp. 148–9n3.

  13. SAR, no. 63, p. 162.

  14. Radio Moscow program “This Week,” quoted by Shmu’el Segev, Ma’ariv, 23 June 1970,
    p. 9.

  15. Nastenko, “Aviatsiya v Egipte,” pp. 58–9, 64; Zhirokhov, Rozhdennye Voynoy, Chapter 6.

  16. Zhirokhov, “Soviet Pilots,” Part 2.

  17. Shalom, Phantoms, vol. 2, p. 1029. This may be the origin of a claim made in 1989 by a
    former Soviet pilot, who had served in Eg ypt in 1970, to an Israeli diplomat that “Soviet
    pilots had downed Israeli aircraft.” Aryeh Levin, Envoy to Moscow: Memoirs of an Israeli
    Ambassador 1988–92, London: Frank Cass, 1996, p. 202.

  18. Aleksandr Akimenkov, Na poroge inogo mira, Moscow: Aviko, 2002, p. 17.


  20. John le Carré, The Secret Pilgrim, New York: Knopf, 1990 (p. 127, Ballantine paperback

  21. Egyptian Gazette, 19 July 1972, cited in Rubinstein, Red Star, p. 189.

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