The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [180–184]^

course of duty” on 6 March 1970. Contemporary press reports about their funerals did
not even mention their IAF affiliation; Ma’ariv, 8 March 1970, p. 3 and 9 March, p. 7.
The IAF also withheld the model of the plane shot down on 2 April (as against three MiG-
21s), but the Syrians exhibited an F-4 tail. Eli Landau, Ma’ariv, 3 April 1970, p. 2. The
crewmwen were captured and not returned until 1974.

  1. Spector, Loud and Clear, p. 198.

  2. On 13 July, that is before the next Phantom was lost on 18 July, US intelligence was quoted
    that Israel had lost five F-4s in combat alone, two more than admitted by the Israelis.
    “Secret Jets to Israel Hinted,” Palm Beach Post, 13 July 1970, pp. 1, 5.

  3. Hod, interviewed by Yaqir Elqariv and Yaron Katz, Heyl ha-Avir (IAF Magazine), 140
    ( June 1984), p. 18.

  4. Gordon, Thirty Hours, p. 87.

  5. Korn, Stalemate, p. 247, based on an interview with Bergus.

  6. Nixon approved supply of the EW pods two days after Meir requested them urgently on
    2 July, that is, after the first two Phantoms were shot down. Quandt, Decade of Decisions,
    p. 101n43.

  7. Gordon, Thirty Hours, p. 87.

  8. Ma’ariv, 9 July 1970, p. 4.

  9. SAR, no. 71, p. 182; emphasis added.

  10. Embassy in the Soviet Union to Department of State, 11 July 1970, FRUS N-XII, no. 180.
    Note 1 clarifies that Kissinger approved the protest.

  11. AP, “Nasser Flies Home after Soviet Talks,” Gazette (Niagara Falls, NY), 17 July 1970,
    p. 1; Davar, 19 July 1970, p. 3.

  12. He may have attempted to mislead the Soviets, assuming they would learn of his remark
    though the targets he mentioned were censored from local press reports. Naphtali Lau-
    Lavie, Balaam’s Prophecy: Eyewitness to History, 1939–1989, Cranbury, NJ: Cornwall
    Books, 1998, p. 261; Davar, 17 July 1970, p. 1.


  14. Charts, painting and photo of wreckage at

  15. Lt-Gen. Dani Halutz, Straightforward, Tel Aviv: Yedi’ot Ahronot-Hemed, 2010, p. 63. A
    future IAF commander and IDF chief of staff, he was no. 4 in Hetz’s formation.

  16. Ma’ariv, 19 July 1970, p. 3.

  17. Shalom, Phantoms, vol. 2, pp. 974–1002, 1144n42.

  18. Ma’ariv, 20 July 1970, p. 3.

  19. Menahem Eini, “Hetz Nafal,” in Meirav Halperin and Aharon Lapidot (eds), G Suit: Pages
    in the Log Book of the Israel Air Force, Tel Aviv: Ministry of Defense Publishing, 1987, p. 68.
    Merom (Ha-Hatashah, p. 56) claims that Hetz tried to eject but was trapped in the cock-
    pit. This agrees with the Russian version, but the account is unsourced and there is no indi-
    cation how anyone but Hetz could provide it.

  20. Valery Yaremenko, “Sovetsko-Egipetskoe voyennoe sotrudnichestvo nakanune i v khode

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