The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [192–194]^

Eg ypt,” and was initiated by the Israelis. Primakov answered only, “really, I don’t know
about this.”

  1. Shalom, Phantoms, vol. 2, p. 1039.

  2. Eli Landau, Ma’ariv, 26 July 1970, p. 1. Russian accounts also mark a change in IAF tac-
    tics at this point, partly as apologetics for the Soviets’ debacle on 30 July. The “aggressive
    and probably unauthorized action on the part of the Soviet pilots ... convinced the Israeli
    Air Force to cancel its existing unofficial ‘truce’ with the Soviet units [and] ‘teach the
    Soviet pilots a lesson.’” Zhirokhov and Nicolle, “Unknown Heroes,” Part 2.

  3. Shalom, Phantoms, vol. 2, p. 742.

  4. Akimenkov, Na poroge, p. 17: A largely corresponding Israeli account specifies that the
    clash took place at the northern end of the canal.

  5. Lau-Lavi, Balaam’s Prophecy, pp. 260–1; Mordechai Gazit, “Conversation of M.G. with
    David [Primakov] on 8 October [1971],” ISA A-7037/17, p. 9.

  6. Davar, p. 1 and Ma’ariv, p. 3, 31 July 1970. Late editions of Ma’ariv on the 30th cited a
    report in the London Daily Express that Nasser had reported the Soviet planes’ loss in a
    cabinet meeting.

  7. Ma’ariv, 3 August 1970, p. 3.

  8. For example, thirty-two pages in Shalom, Phantoms (vol. 2, pp 1039–72).

  9. “Il diario del Colonel Ivlev,” JP4 Mensile di Aeronautica e Spazio, January 1993, quoted in
    Shalom, Phantoms, vol. 2, Chapter 35. A detailed account in Zhirokhov and Nicolle,
    “Unknown Heroes,” Part 2, is clearly derived mainly from Israeli and Eg yptian sources. It
    does, however, name three of the four Soviet pilots killed (Zhuravlev, Yurchenko and
    Yakovlev), which had to come from Russian materials.

  10. Zolotarev et al., Rossiya, p. 259.

  11. Zhirokhov states that in the War of Attrition a total of “seven or nine Soviet pilots were
    killed, depending [on] which source is chosen.” “Unknown Heroes,” Part 2.

  12. Platunov, “Provaly v pamyati.”

  13. Interviewed in Zhirokhov and Nicolle, “Unknown Heroes,” Part 2.

  14. Ze’ev Schiff (ed.), The Might of the IDF: Military and Security Encyclopedia, Air Force vol-
    ume, Tel Aviv: Revivim, 1981, p. 143.

  15. [Gen. William] Momyer, “Resume of My Conversations with Hod, October 27,”
    2 November 1971, IRISNUM 01011311. The Soviet pilots’ tours of duty were actually
    for at least a year.

  16. UPI and AFP, Davar, 4 August 1970, p. 1.

  17. Kamanin, Skryty Kosmos, vol. 4, p. 116,–4386.
    Kamanin was Kutakhov’s deputy for space operations.

  18. Akimenkov, Na poroge, p. 20.

  19. Zhirokhov and Nicolle, “Unknown Heroes,” Part 2. Unless the incident is misdated, this
    account indicates that the tactics and limitations described by Akimenkov remained in
    effect after 30 July. Tsoy’s official biography states that “between February and December
    1970, he participated in combat operations in Eg ypt, ... made 42 sorties in a MiG-21, and

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