The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [248–254]^

  1. The apt characterization of Kissinger’s “apologia” is by Theodore Draper, Present History:
    On Nucler War, Détente, and Other Controversies, New York: Random House, 1983, p. 216.

  2. Kissinger’s single mention of the issue during this period (White House Years, p. 1132) is
    discussed below.

  3. Ibid., p. 1288.

  4. Ibid., p. 1276; emphasis added.

  5. SAR, no. 204, p. 475n3.

  6. Mordechai Gazit, “Conversation of M.G. with ‘David’ on 7 October,” pp. 1, 2, 7, 9–10,
    ISA A-7037/17; Primakov, Blizhniy Vostok, p. 279.

  7. Shimshon Ofer, Davar, 12 October 1971, pp. 1–2.

  8. Kimche (Last Option, pp. 20–4) points out that no account by Sadat of these talks exists,
    but the notes taken by Foreign Minister Riad contradict the “official” version, as published
    by Heikal in Road to Ramadan.

  9. Shazly, Crossing, p. 29.

  10. Bar-Joseph, Angel, pp. 126–7.

  11. AC, Elazar testimony, Part 1, pp. 13, 23–4; the preferred source’s identity is sanitized but
    the reference to Marwan is obvious.

  12. Primakov, Blizhniy Vostok, pp. 278–80. The Israeli file does not include documentation
    of this meeting, but the minutes of the 10 October talk do refer to another session yet to
    be held.

  13. [Gen. William] Momyer, “Resume of My Conversations with Hod October 27,”
    2 November 1971, IRISNUM 01011311.

  14. Davar, 21 October 1971 p. 2.

  15. Momyer, “Resume of My Conversations with Hod.”

  16. Shimshon Ofer, Davar, 8 November 1971, p. 7.

  17. Ofer, Davar, 7 November 1971, p. 1.

  18. JTA, Davar, 8 October 1971, p. 2. Senator Stuart Symington, a former secretary of the
    Air Force, championed supplying aircraft to Israel. US Senate, Executive Sessions,
    pp. 925–45.

  19. SAR, no. 249, p. 557.

  20. SAR, no. 251, p. 564.

  21. SAR, no. 250, pp. 558, 562.

  22. SAR, no. 255, p. 573; no. 256, pp. 575–6.

  23. Rubinstein, Red Star, p. 170, citing FBIS/Eg ypt, 4 February 1972, G4.

  24. UPI, “Moscow Veto of Middle East War Hinted,” Times Record (Troy, NY), 7 February
    1972, p. 1.

  25. Davar, 13 January 1972, p. 2. Shortly before, US defense analyst Edward Luttwak alluded
    to the Foxbat’s RB version as still under development, but deemed its bombing capability
    so limited that using it for this purpose “would be like having Brigitte Bardot over for the
    night and sending her to do the dishes.” Luttwak, Davar, 3 December 1971, p. 9.

  26. Abramov, Goluboe, p. 75.

  27. Bar-Lev had in fact already stepped down on 1 January, after completing the maximum

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