The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [296–299]^

  1. Shimshon Ofer, Davar, 11 October 1972, p. 1.

  2. UPI, “Cairo Sources Deny Plot against Sadat,” Union-Sun Journal (Lockport, NY),
    20 November 1972, p. 1.

  3. “Eg ypt’s Arms Chief Quits After Leaders Back Sadat,” NYT, 27 October 1972, p. 3. Kass,
    in 1978 (Soviet Involvement, pp. 205–15), still believed that Sadiq’s ouster was due to his
    “pronounced anti-Soviet stance,” and that it marked the success of the Soviet military’s
    effort to restore relations with Eg ypt, against the political leadership’s desire. Most of this
    was admittedly speculative.

  4. “Ahmad Ismail,” Encyclopedia Britannica,

  5. Television interview on 27 October, quoted in Davar, 29 October 1972, p. 1.

  6. Hanoch Bartov, Dado: 48 shanah ve-od 20 yom, vol. 1, Tel Aviv: Ma’ariv, 1978, p. 231;
    Bar-Joseph, Angel, pp. 185–6, 189.

  7. Document cited by Justice Agranat, AC, Eban testimony, Part 2, p. 7.

  8. Asher, Breaking the Concept, pp. 93–101.

  9. Clipping in NA(PRO).

  10. FCO telegrams: embassy Tel Aviv to FCO, 1 November 1972; defense attaché Tel Aviv
    to MOD, 2 November 1972; embassy Cairo to FCO, 2 November 1972; embassy Beirut
    to FCO, 9 November 1972; letter, A. J[ames] M. Craig to Beaumont, 3 November 1972,
    all in NA(PRO).

  11. Beaumont was an eminent “Arabist,” a fluent Arabic speaker and promoter of British–
    Arab relations. Obituary in the Daily Telegraph, 28 January 2009, http://www.telegraph.

  12. [Ambassador Paul] Wright, Beirut to FCO, 9 November 1972, NA(PRO).

  13. A.J.M. Craig, FCO, to Beaumont, Cairo, 3 November 1972

  14. [Ambassador Bernard] Ledwidge, Tel Aviv to FCO, 2 November 1972.

  15. Beaumont, Cairo to FCO, 2 November 1972, emphasis added.

  16. Beaumont to FCO, 2 December, 1972, NA(PRO).

  17. Beaumont to FCO, 2 November 1972, NA(PRO); emphasis added.

  18. Ryabov, “Ne zabud’,” p. 138.

  19. “Eg ypt Is Reported to Get Advanced Soviet Missile,” NYT, 12 November 1972, p. 2. The
    story also repeated Bulloch’s claim about “Russians returning to Eg ypt,” although the
    British tended by now to dismiss it.

  20. AC, Shalev testimony, Part 2, pp. 99–100; this is attributed to a “very good” source of
    Ze’ira’s whose identity is sanitized—possibly another case in which misleading informa-
    tion from Marwan overrode accurate reports from other informants.

  21. Beaumont to FCO, 13 November 1972, NA(PRO). The attaché, J.P. Marriott, expanded
    on this interview in a letter to the MOD (“Call on Admiral Ivliev,” 14 November), not-
    ing that his Soviet interlocutor had been very forthcoming on all subjects except the mat-
    ter of Port Said, on which Ivliev seemed uncomfortable.

  22. D.A.S. Gladstone to A.J.M. Craig, Near East and North Africa Department, FCO, “Soviet/
    Eg yptian Relations in the Military Field,” 21 November 1972, NA(PRO). Gladstone

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